February Meeting of the Board of Trustees YUSD February 2025 Board Meeting Show Transcript 6 42 yeah Welcome to our Thursday night meeting um we're going to start with the Pledge of Allegiance it's like a behind you guys ready begin the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right can we get a uh motion to approve the agenda, second, all in favor say I I opposed want to report on the closed items sure so tonight in closed session before this Open Session the board took action to approve the Personnel report uh which included uh certificated management 1 resignation and 1 new higher uh certificated staff 1 retirement and 3 resignations and 1 new hire classified staff 5 new hires 1 rehire 1 resignation and 2 transfers and that was on a motion by uh Bernie a second by Mark and approved 50 by the board and that was the only action item in closed session and then my favorite part the student presentation hello I'm Benjamin Brokaw and I play trumpet at the yhs music department and we like to thank you for your support with the music department this year um recently I went to chasmic in Sacramento and played in the California All-State band um with uh support from you guys and you uh with the help sponsoring my trip um and then also locally immediate performed in the Fresno Madera honor band in which um from high school me as well as a know Conor that's a and then in the Middle School final dark CIA Bryce Adams and Harley Collins got their form and all these opportunities were really good for fun and difficult educational purposes and they got to learn a lot from these opportunities and we'd also like to thank you for the publicity for the artwork that's been going on in the department and now I'll turn over to Kyle I'm Kyle here um I play with the Wind Ensemble Comfort brand stuff brand and I think with the with the concert choir I wanted to thank the district and really Trent for their support with the with With Honor Choir I wanted to specifically think really trend for the press release she did because it helped me feel like my hard work was seen it also really helps with the publicity in the music department so that people could see the cool things that we can achieve I participate good and go to the ccda regional Honor Choir and the Prisoner Madera County Honor Choir I participated in the ccda on acquire with Ryan Moe and the Fresno Madera on a choir with Ryan Wilco Michaela Rios Andrew Champion Elisha vanderwaal these are both very fun events and I learned a lot as a way to show our appreciation me and Ben would like to perform the national anthem is exciting when you move the DayZ thank you too that was awesome thank you so much thank you guys so much row you can leave the music and now our report from our student representative Addison just 1 minute do you want anything about culinary engine presentation oh sure all right well these are 2 of my students Victoria in Arlene and actually both of them it's really cute they started off in advanced and now they're in um intro so they're kind of working their way backwards so they're actually super talented they've got really um they have an instinct when it comes to baking and they're they they do really well when it comes to leadership in the kitchen because we have 5 kitchens and so the uh students kind of are in little groups and there's always a kitchen manager that's kind of in charge of what it is that um you know we're making that day and Arlene and Victoria are really good at leading the students making sure everybody stays on task making sure that following on safety and sanitation rules such as super important and then do you guys want to say anything about what we're doing um right now a beginner I think we're learning about facts and assets and kind of just like the base elements of cooking and it's just a really good like great opportunities to like be in this class and like learn and it's been like really fun and stuff to use and we we are doing this part as part of our senior project because I we personally really like being involved in like the kitchen and hospitality yeah so we um we made some treats there's some molynes chocolate chip cookies and some chocolate cupcakes with some pink Valentine's frosting so you guys are welcome to take all of what you would like to take and we're happy to if you want us to bring you something would you 2 say that there's a element of uh chemistry in the cooking class super cool did I hear you say that you're learning about what was the word again did you say or acid fat acid salt and heat is currently our unit and which School site I give me a said this and I just missed it at the high school okay all right great yeah we brought back the culinary program about 6 years ago so I've been doing this now for I'm in my sixth year and so in each year it's growing um so it's full the classes are full in fact we just had a 100 students um take and pass their food handlers exam which means moving forward should they get summer jobs within the restaurant industry uh they've already got it and that's 1 sort of edge that they have that an employer doesn't need to pay them in order to to to take it we we were able to do it here and you know Supply that to them and they have it so and then we have in our advanced class we have about 40 students learning to take um or getting ready to take their surface management so they'll leave keep Advanced having their service safe management which is top of the line you know it's it's what I have they'll have it and uh it's it's a really good thing for them should they should they choose to move on into the industry their their world's ahead so it's good it's all good things you guys do catering also yeah yeah I think we did last year I do remember volunteering with catering events we um once a year you the my club um uh student Student of the Year banquet which happens in April um we have catered um weddings partisans daughter Mrs Hardison who goes uh is a teacher here her daughter got got married a couple years ago she asked if culinary would be willing to cater um her daughter's wedding so we we did so yeah we we put everybody to work fantastic experience yeah it is it's really good it's a lot of fun and I tell them to get to walk around campus with food with not only is a fantastic advertisement for the class like take culinary you can have pizza too but like also they get to you know demonstrate and show pride in the stuff that they've made so it's pretty awesome so we will leave these here for you guys and then you just take what you would like and then you'll just wrap it up later yeah awesome 2 more things real quick yes last year yose had 22 million people go through go to 12 million of those people came to our town so there is huge huge opportunity coming through me next year the Noli Awards will be hosted here so yeah so really get to show looking forward to it thank you guys so much yeah awesome thank you guys thank you so much I just want to say you have a Mrs Sims has really grown the culinary program it is 1 of the most popular electives for our and we've grown from just a couple classes to now like a a full look and there's conversation about maybe a baking class like solely baking yeah we're just talking but it will be I'm so if takes the hard a lot of hard work to make that happen I just want to thank you for that and our kids are getting great benefits thank you for that Danielle appreciate it yeah absolutely our pleasure uh Mr rice Megan rice is here in the audience she's our uh super duper hand and music um teacher and no you see Benjamin and Kaa they they're just 2 of the students that are represented from the I don't even know how many students are in our music program but big has done also a very good job of growing the program and making it popular and making it 1 of the best programs that we have on our campus so a lot of good work out there thank you thank you but he's killing it at River Gold Course and I'll just say how we did we did take prop 28 funds which you know um came our way as a board and we were able to expand from just having 1 teacher they're having 3 teachers and so now our students are getting into construction um kindergarten kindergarten all the through 12th grade that's how we invested that money so thank the board for supporting that and making sure that that comes to our kids so that's great okay 1 second all right are you ready now all right very good test and benefit yes hi um I'll go ahead and start with River Gold so uh girls and boy girls basketball and boys soccer will be competing in the mountain areas Sports tournament tomorrow uh I report their fourth grade went on a trip to Mission San Juan Batista and lastly their 8th graders are now registered to VHS um for Yasmin High School counseling has been working on getting the 8th graders are starting getting all situated uh we are in the midst of having our SFA week um and then Community Awards this season has begun so miss Flores has been working on for all getting the kids their package working with local um working with local uh identity uh businesses sorry um just to scale all that done uh for egg Ops teachers are reviewing transcripts to make sure the seniors are on track and eligible to graduate um the adult school is working on completing the lost initial visit paperwork and working on Spring opportunities for their adult ed uh for coarse gold fifth and sixth grade continued with their program on Wednesdays uh ceramic night was a hit but associate by fifth grade uh movie night was also hit and they would like to take their music department for that uh the Food For Thought visit them a couple days ago um they are hosting the Valentine's Day dance tomorrow which is for the middle schoolers um 83 figures are also okay registered here um and then classroom spelling bees will be held the week of the 24th and sports have tournaments at Moretz for tomorrow same as for school and then for the high school students it's time going on uh seniors are working on their Community Awards um spring sports are beginning and we are all looking forward for the winter break very good thank you Addison right we have some public comment here we're going to uh start with Camden Johnson all right so I'm here to um talk about Mr Moffitt and Miss Marino's job right um I had heard that they were they weren't getting re-elected next year which is really hard for to hear for me and a all of the other students here um and I just like to say 1 thing I've written up here um first of all I am uh I'm 16 years old I am in a lot of band classes in this race um she's great she's amazing um and I'm in Mr moffett's class and I'm in Badger Brew um with Miss Marino they're both amazing teachers and they've done an amazing job of teaching me um and yeah let me just let me get to it um dear admin it is to my high school lead that Mr Robert Moffat is amazing English teacher who always fights his best with everything he does especially when it comes to his work and the students he provides a safe environment for the students here and he builds connections with the people with stories from his life and great advice for developing Minds Mr Moffitt is truly perfect for this tool I hope you can uh find it within you to find a position for this poor old man he has a wonderful family and free kids even through the hard times he knows right from wrong in where is this gracious man has uh is very well spoken and has a very well-developed limited system I have come to know Mr Moffitt very well over the 2 years I and he and he and I have been here and at first there were many rumors and nicknames writing about him but once you get to know him he's a kind and funny person with an honest loving heart I believe that this man deserves to be re-elected for the next school year for the sake of proper and fun education for this school thank you for your time and may you take my wholehearted opinion into consideration for his future deployment have a wonderful day oh boy we just said I didn't want to go after Camden it's kind of like the time I was on The Price is Right and I said I didn't want the bulky okay well if I can get through this without crying I practiced it so please bear with me good evening president Alan and honorable board members thank you so much for all that you do I'm actually here to talk to you about the classes that is it's already starting that isn't just a classroom it's a home it's a safe place it's a space for students students who are often on the sidelines step forward gain confidence and build futures at Badger Brew our students aren't just making drinks they're learning skills growing friendships and discovering their own potential 1 of our seniors a student who thought he could never afford the senior trip to Disneyland is now working hard about your brew and because of that he is able to go on a trip he thought was impossible but this is about more than just a club it's about dignity it's about opportunity it's about giving our students who are too often overlooked the chance to be seen to contribute and to succeed the work experience they gain here is real and it matters as also have to take a moment to recognize the parents and families of these incredible young people every day they send their students to Badger for ready to work and their work ethic is nothing short of inspiring the dedication and responsibility and pride our students bring to their jobs is a testament the values instilled in them at home I cannot express enough How Deeply impressed I am by the families who support them 2 years ago superintendent bed told us that our opening ceremony to love our students and I have done that the results are apparent as a teacher I don't just instruct I listen I know my students their struggles their dreams their potentials I see them for who they truly are and at Badger Brew the West rest of the world gets to see that too this isn't just a club it's a community it's a launching pad and most of all it's a proof of what our students can accomplish when they're given a chance I'm grateful to yusd and yhs okay 2 of the have this incredible opportunity to work with students in this capacity and I thank you for accepting my resignation so next we have our report I'm going to start with a UDA president Tony M thank you all right very good I have to go in there I knew I was going I actually said you say that thank you yes I'm fine thank you the ca president we're good okay administrative staff Allen so I get to Santa okay um actually mine's gonna be a lot shorter was pretty long um I just I have a few items to talk about cancer because there's just so many good things going on it's just crazy town around here with kids um music has been going on for us we've already heard um Benny going the auctions and other students going to composing um 1 of only 4 in the state um I'm sure maybe some of you have seen the posting out that this year we're going to allow students to drive a prom along with having a bus also going to prompt prom date may have to change because there is a conflict but um new change for students that was the first thing I got hit up for when I came on as principal um and I've worked to try to uh resolve that and try to accommodate but also be able to have options for um parents and students who might want to drive um uh Sports um let's actually talk about mock trial mock trial we just found out uh tonight they are heading on to State and they will represent us they took first in the county um and so they will go in March so um I won't know up to the March eating how they do but they are on on the state um Sandra Wade has taken the job as athletic director and um she's going to be hitting the ground running she probably already has but she's been helping with eighth registration so we have a lot of things um to um you know take on the sports um and with winter sports we do have fruit teams that are going to playoffs right now we have girls basketball they will be playing in Parlier tomorrow night soccer we have to travel to Saint Louis on Saturday um and wrestling has a tournament this weekend that goes for state finals um and so we we are busy and then we're getting spring Sports going as well so it has been um a busy busy time time um I did want to introduce Jeremiah alaki is the new football coach so if you have not met him um he was announced before as well and he's already been meeting in um practicing with the boys so it's been good um 1 thing that we're kind of working on just at the higher level we're talking about is what courses we're going to be teaching next year what electives and kind of streamlining and figuring out what CTE Pathways we can add and what we can um accomplish within our schedule um so it's a really busy time on top of that we have to fix a lot of courses that are coded wrong and make sure we have everything done correctly so all those reports that sometimes they're the state the same or bad earlier or not that bad but it's got to figure it out so it's a big undertaking because I think I have a lot of this errors so we're working on that um and we did um revamp the testing schedule for the end of the year um to make it um more inclusive so that more students test and then it's not so much at 1 time the testing schedule we did for finals for fall finals everyone especially the teachers I don't know how the kids were I didn't really get a feel that the schedule I think uh was really appreciated um and they schedule so um that's about like 12:30 so it wasn't too bad um so that's what's been going on in a nutshell well and then adulthood we got the contract for you guys and Tony has been putting it hard like we didn't this is equipment yesterday at the park show um so we do have that and then if any of you are going to be available we do have the FFA um dinner October on March 1st risk of making everyone wonder what kind of SAT scores I got uh what is the mock trial exactly in the classes you took all the AP classes and stuff I was not into we didn't have AP classes back in the well it's it's like it's like literally like mock trial or kids that are are attorneys and on the other side and they're I don't even know how to explain it they're doing a mock trial so they're just like they're up there cleaning a case where is it going to be held again it alternates North and South so I don't know where we are we didn't go last year so it's usually off it will be either Northern California City or and they use a major County because I think it's San Diego San Diego is here you have to use a big Courthouse because they have like 40 different counties send the teams so it's a big event they shut down the courthouse for a couple of days they've been going for a couple days like it you know it's been several days of of going so they went Tuesday they went today so it's um it's been a long process so and the other 1 will several days in a row amazing yes thank you okay I have to take back my moment um I just got an email uh for the school board stand up speak uh the suture School Board uh meeting will be March 4th um it's evidently at pardini's uh all of you are invited come join us for bread as they say when you break bread together you work well together uh so that's March 4th and I think it's going to be a really tight uh timeline um I will get that in information to uh raen I think the choices are chicken beef or vegetarian so work for it thank you sorry to interrupt I wanted to follow up Jessica's report and just raise your hand Jeremiah and then she she she introduced him but that's Jeremiah he's our new football coach I know that he made an effort to be here tonight in the rain with him and all that and we're excited to have me as quite a history and experience and has already bringing some energy and excitement um about about next year so we're excited about that uh Jeremiah do you want to introduce anybody special or this is this is my beautiful wife uh along with our beautiful Susie daughter um so yeah this is my wife Hannah welcome to have you guys welcome to the badger family yeah you're welcome to stick around but if you need to get back we good evening president Alan members of board superintendent Beck um it's been a little bit of a weird week from backing into Taylor onlys Jeep as a Busy Bee Cafe to uh breaking down on 222 last night luckily we have a very good auto mechanic in town um and uh from having a leak in my roof today uh you know and then put on top of that with all the maladies that seem to happen at Elementary every single time I don't know if any of you ever heard of hand foot and mouth disease I haven't heard of that so I went to River Gold and I'm like oh my God it's back um not to mention lice and other things like that you know and then you've got kids that uh kids that give kids stuff that's not always the smartest thing right and so we've got to teach them in the right direction and move them but I I I was just thinking about how grateful I am to be a river gold and uh you know how much I love it there and just thinking about some of the amazing things happening I I didn't really write it out what I was going to talk about tonight because I was thinking about it and um for the second year in a row um we're going to have more kids going to yhs from River Gold and we have going to that other school and that's a that's calling and I was thinking today about um student the first student I met when I stepped foot on River Bowl campus and Brian had sent me down there to uh to fill in when there wasn't a principal and um so uh saw her I'm not going to say her name but uh she was in her cheerleader outfit from the other school a fifth grader and uh I had on my Badger hat and my Yosemite shirt and um I walked up to her she said why why do you have that I don't we're not yeah you are we're batteries here and uh she said no we're that other mascot and then she put her hands up and cheered 3 times and yet she's a seventh grader now and uh yesterday she was in the health office and we were talking about you know the registration and she said Miss railay I want to go to yhs but my mom wants me to go to the other school and I was like wow I'm thinking you know that's that's something that I remember talking to you about the very first year the very first student I'm at here so I think that's a good thing right that's that's some good things happening and I wanted to really talk about people at my site um I'm really super enjoying working with uh Mr Matthew Wilkinson who is in the audience I don't want to embarrass him um but uh you know we we talked about a lot of things and and we put a lot of things in play this year and uh you know yesterday he and I were uh scooping ice cream for our students who uh met or exceeded on the state test last year or moved up a and uh you know like and and it was cool because we got to tell them you know thank you like you're making us look good and you're doing what you're supposed to do you're taking it seriously and I know that you know the stuff that he and I and you know we're spreading out to other schools I know Mindy's not here you know we've talked talked about the Fabs and the iabs and working on that and um you know we we see the teachers digging into that and looking at it and say wow how many kids got this answer wrong and why did they get that wrong what's the distractor here and and taking it back to the classroom and you know uh it's it's just been a real Joy this year with that and so I'm super grateful and super thankful I wanted to talk a little bit about our employees of the year um our certificated employee of the year is Kristen keran and uh you know I mean I'm lucky to have several right hands uh at River Gold but she is certainly 1 of them and uh couldn't be more deserving like she works with kids to hold them accountable to make sure that you know that they they know what they've done and they grow from it and it's it's incredible like she's running around helping out here kindergarten you name it and just all over the place with kids academically and behaviorally and uh I couldn't do my job without her being there so that was well deserved and then our class classify an employee of the year Katherine Weisner um she's a parent who had first didn't really want necessarily to work at River Gold she was like oh I'm okay volunteering and then we sort of said hey wouldn't it be great if you worked there wouldn't it be great if you worked here and then she came on board and and she is someone that just does whatever we need her to do she moves around she quickly took over like our lead role on the on the yard and she's incredible another person totally well deserved in that role but I also wanted to talk about how you know walking around obviously teachers the other day I was talking about those Fabs which are the state test practice so that um the the teachers can give those to their class and then get real data back that shows how the kids scored what they did well on how doing with the standards and walking around and seeing my teachers with standards based goals on the you know in the classroom again that's something that Matt and I talked about at the beginning of this year I held that out as an expectation there it is um but Terry rich I was actually working on something on the board when Matt and I were walking through the other day and he said hey this is from the fids this is 1 of the questions that they got wrong and we're working on it to see what they did and and what they need to do and uh you know and then I I walked through our new science teacher and she's brand new to our district and she had her kids working on standard based goal working on you know evolution of different characteristics I was just really incredible and so I just wanted to share how thankful I am say thank you thank thank you very much you ready Andy yeah you want to go first yeah well you don't have chicken so yeah I didn't want to point out um really put it up on the screen but the artwork that's in sets in the back of the room that's done by students that are in Mr Higgins class and it was like an explanation you'll notice that the miles are kind of blurred out there's a whole story behind that art theme there but we're trying to do more to kind of really display the talents and the work of our our students as you you know you saw um Benjamin and Kaa do their thing today and our culinary students and our kids are doing amazing amazing things um and our staff is really they're just looking their tails off to give these opportunities to kids so just want to give that shout out and once again Jeremiah we're happy to have you and Hannah I'm enjoying um our staff and you're also going to help us provide amazing opportunities for kids as we as we move along so thanks for joining joining our family here um you know Jessica mentioned a lot of it but um I was recently at a Sunrise Rotary meeting uh this week they asked me to come talk to them and just give them an update on things happening in the district and I basically talked about our kids and the things that they're doing took the cross country team there and you in the cross country team present so Jessica and I just sat down and they kind of did their thing right um but they also honored a student from core school and a student from River Gold um for their accomplishments their teachers were there miss Maguire was there from River Gold Miss jolliff was there from Court School families were there Mr railay was there uh Mindy was there Jessica was there we were all there and it's just it's 1 of those things where um you know people have said it but you're just thankful to be in a community that supports our schools and supports our kids in that way and the kids talk a lot and and especially the cross country kids about how they enjoyed the support of this community and the support of people who are in rotary and who are leaders in in this community so I would just encourage everyone to give thanks when you can um for those that are out there supporting our schools so just know that that our schools are the Hub of this community right yhs is is the Hub of this community for school of river gold are the Hub of the community where they're at as well and let's capitalize on that and let's continue to give our kids um opportunities also want to I feel like we congratulate Matt for something every single board meeting but we're going to do it again congratulations to Matt and also Amy Hansen they applied for Grants from our our local Kiwanis Club and received grants there and are able to do some things for kids on their on their campuses and again another example of another local organization saying what can we do to help support kids um in your schools so thank you and Amy Matt for writing those grants and and doing those things for kids also wanted to mention we applied for a strong Workforce partnership Grant and we were recently notified that we won that Grant and so we're receiving 214,000 that's going to go towards updating our equipment and materials in the a program um so that's great right more more things for kids and so I want to thank Denise who helped to work on that and he's not the um Charlotte was a big part of that figuring out how we're going to match funds because you had to maximum funds um in in there too um and then Casey um our act teacher and Jeff also an ad Jeff Kirby and then Jessica also like they just everybody just kind of came together on that and next thing you know we're getting an email saying hey you guys are getting over 200,000 to do some things for kids Junior I program also wanted to announce that um we're also part of a student behavioral health incentive program um with the county it's another Grant program but we're receiving 22,000 per campus just to help kids with um with physical and mental health um any anything that we need and so it's it's every campus that you see somebody hi it's River Gold its course gold it's Evergreen Falls Ahwahnee am I leaving out and so it's it's I believe not just so there there's there's 7 campuses there at 22,000 each that's 154,000 that's going strictly to just help kids with um their mental health their physical health and their overall well-being so again um things that we're able to bring to our campus um a few weeks ago we partnered with the central California Diagnostic Center and we were able they came in as a staff and actually provided some professional learning regarding students that have autism anxiety or ADHD um you know kids that they they they have some barriers to their learning and we're not always really good at recognizing those or knowing how to to work with those so we brought in staff from the Diagnostic Center we had over 40 staff members attend this professional learning after school um I've done a course goal and we're going to continue the feedback was great like that we love that we want more of that so we're going to continue um partnering with some outside organizations who can come in and help our teachers with some things that you know you don't necessarily learn in your credentialing programs um as you're as you're going through and then um I also want to I don't think I've had a chance to say this yet but we were able to create a Native American Mentor position um in our district and um they're housed at of course gold were recently able to hire a person into that position and um you can already see it's beginning to make a difference um she's working directly with Native American students and their families and the specific things that are barriers um for their for their learning and um we're already starting to see results and it's only going to get better and again that was some um Grant funds that we were able to um really parlay into having a Native American mentor of a thing that we know we needed um for quite some time so I'll give you updates on that as as we go is good really good at collecting data instead of stats and all that I think at 1 time we might have someone in the audience who did a little bit of that work right Diane she might have been our first our first 1 so we know that it worked we just hadn't had someone doing that for quite a while and and lastly um we're heading into the February break next week so we'll be out of school as Alison said um but I want to wish everyone a good break a Happy Valentine's Day which is tomorrow and I hope that everyone gets to spend some time with her loved ones on Valentine's Day and and and during the break really enjoyed it so that I'll turn it back over to president now I'll get back on down to Andy all right thank you wow so many things to be thankful for first of all congratulations welcome Jeremiah looking forward to attending some football games somehow that goes it's been a while since I've been to a high school game so looking forward to that thank you and Hannah welcome you as well um congratulations on making that's very cool um did you say that the FFA Barbe barbecue is together in real dinner 31 yes okay um I look I look forward to that and that would be fine and then Anthony or carditis invite as well um Mr railay I I had an opportunity to visit of course gold Elementary and Mindy gave me a couple of hours it was it was really wonderful you mentioned some of the things that I learned when I visited your site but I really uh superintendent next permission like to come out and visit your school site and want to visit with you and get to know you and and some of the things that you've got the good things I've already heard about tonight just kind of get it so thank you for that and that artwork back there is from our students wow amazing okay just as you know 1 student actually did all that oh my gosh that's amazing great talented more of that would be a good thing um I also would like to mention that I had an opportunity to sit down with Dr bharti yesterday and he gave us a couple of hours to look at and learn about the elk cap uh learn how that instructional Maps kind of defines what you know what we're trying to accomplish and and so I really want to thank you going back before even yesterday and you're generous um sharing of your knowledge and time with us uh Jennifer and I shared a little time with you together so but before that back on the 17th of January I visited your office and you again gave me a couple of hours just to talk about the challenges and opportunities and and the kind of things you're trying to accomplish and you know I I learned 1 Thing more than anything else not to tell any jokes about USC's off the table UCLA out of the talk very nice to visit with you I learned about seeing the schools I think there's great opportunity with theme schools and and all of the your CTE um you know the effort going on there to to try to create tailored customized some of the things Anon is doing uh really customized um educational Journeys for our students that's wonderful for testing and benchmarks learning more about that I I guess we have more more testing data coming in in February so that's that looking forward to hearing that hearing more about that and then on my visit the course gold gosh I took down so many notes I was you know as a think Matt staff member I visited a lot of school districts and we had interviews with site administrators and we would sit down and we'd have you half an hour 45 minutes of completely uninterrupted time that did not happen course that office was it was amazing to watch her work um I got a real understanding of what it's like to to stand up in front of a fire hose I think and and it was it was very instructional and amazing to watch her feature really handled a lot of things I learned about for Bingo uh game system that she's got for good behavior going calling students out I got a tour of the facilities uh we went through what this this known as the drive through and I had Pizza which is a slice of apple with peanut butter on it and some other things that were sprinkled on the top of that so A very healthy Pizza snack it was wonderful Pottery classroom it was amazing I took down a few notes here that the wonderful cafeteria that they have their to start that they make uh that they give students there and that they get to take right on into their High School Journey with you know that we remember a little bit about tonight uh so that was wonderful um just got to look at a bunch of the classrooms and met a few teachers the vibe was wonderful it was really it was really amazing um very positive lots of Engagement um it was it was a but there's certainly a different kind of an exposure to a site administrator's day then I had ever seen before and it's uh it's a high level of energy output it was wonderful I I very much enjoyed it Mystery Island organizing as well seems more about your school site I think that's it I can't think of anything else but I'll think of it as silly Bernie Street talking um yeah I I talked a long time last meeting was probably because it was January and everybody struggled through January some of you might have forgotten like promise that I would be brief a few months to make up for that um yeah we just have some Powerhouse principles right now that sites you know well I'm in the fifth year on the board by far and made the best it's been as far as our principal leadership so thank you to 2 of you are here and the many is not here um it's just that's really something I'm I really feel good about and I brag about a lot in my day uh when when you're on the board people talk to you about the education system from many many different angles sometimes they're not happy sometimes they have requests sometimes they're just curious and I brag about you guys all the time um so and that's been nice to be able to do that to save we have the right people in the right places right now and it's really we're reaping the benefits so thank you so much to the 2 of you that are here for for doing the jobs that you're doing and doing them so well um thank you to everybody who spoke today uh students uh staff alike student student well I think we heard from some culinary students too oh that's true my bad yeah we have 1 of 1 so thank thank you everybody who spoke and um we need that we need to hear information that's very important that we hear what people are thinking uh so doing that um so many great programs obviously thank you to uh Megan and Danielle who left and what they're doing I got to meet our new football coach I don't know if you remember because you met a lot of people but you came by the gym and and just came up shook my hand and and uh I said no I'm not important you need to be to the basketball coach I'm just a volunteer here I could already see your engagement with the kids that the basketball kids who are football players and other students and just really got a real positive vibe and would really looking forward to having you here and and you brought Hannah here on the dark and stormy night and uh that that shows dedication I heard about the power of 45 I just came here from my office and I had second I almost turned around and went freaking gnarly out there so thank you so much for doing that be safe on the trip call we're we're really happy to have you here and uh happy that you just go right in so we're really grateful that we were able to get you to come up here and look forward to it I have you met my son you might not remember he got a lot of buddies that play football they're all super excited yeah I can't wait to have Lucy's out in the fall yeah if that off and you get a merit badge you already talked to me about it um and then uh I uh I'm wearing my Philadelphia Eagles shirt so uh yeah how'd that happen well my on the grandparents got off the boat they settled in Philadelphia uh my father was the 1 that came out here so yes I was born in velia and grew up in Oakhurst but uh room for all the Philly teams always have a lot of family back in Philly and so on behalf of all the Eagles fans out there I just want to say you're welcome America very controversial that's all I've got how well I I have to my favorite part of being a board member is this so reading the people who are actually you know and as I do it throughout the time is just passion all the projects going on you know the love of students for their teachers that you know that love of teachers for their students and the passion and what they do is so exciting so uh thank you all for what you do not just what you present while we're here but thank you for all the in between time and the time that it's never even seen all the time alone with with the kids or you know the planning what goes on behind being a principal of a school and all the little things that I know happen that no I don't even know so thank you for the stuff you do it's never acknowledged so I know there's a lot to it so thank you so much for that um I also uh I had a fairly busy month when I looked back so um you know my my whole thing at being becoming a board member is there's a lot to learn and I and I can see now that it's no end to that which is good I think that we just keep learning our whole lifetime and um doesn't stop until we're gone so still learning that's a good thing um but I've been doing the um ssba governance training webinars which is really great because there's so much information in there there's 5 series and just about you know being you know the good school board member and um and administrator and it empowers the board members with the skills and the knowledge to effectively govern and advocate for the student students so that's been going on um I also took time to do a um immigration policies and resources webinar which was very interesting as you all probably know that there's a lot going on with that right now and um so we really explored the new directive and how that's going to affect schools and um it was interesting to learn and I know there's a lot of people in the background making sure that whatever happens in our in our school system that kids and staff are parents are you know protected in their rights are observed and there's just a lot of passion around that now it's you know kind of heightened well not kind of felt very heightened right now in our in our in our um community so um so that was very interesting and just just know that our uh I feel really confident you know that the people that are in the schools um are up to date on everything and handling that well so um also visited educational options program which was so amazing I I hope everybody realizes how lest we are to have that in our in our school I mean that when I was going to school as most people it's like either you made it or you didn't there wasn't the you know the option for the extra care and the you know very fine-tuned education and the the teachers that are going to sit down with you helped you and if it doesn't work to be in a in a classroom you know there's this option or that option so we are so so blessed to have the luxury of that in our school and I um sat with um Ron Johnson then he answered all my questions toured around me every teacher got to see the students interacting with the teachers and um love being with the kids so that was amazing um we are we're very fortunate to have that um also um dug into with with um Andy down here the lcap and um this is like give me a choice any time I'm going to be in the classroom with the kids I'm going to be doing that so the lcap um so you you're all going to get a little taste of that you're going to get a little taste of that tonight and um and it's just really good to see that you know there are so many check and balances out there and there's so many ways to to let our families and our communities know exactly what's happening inside the school and with the budget and with the monies that are coming in and and so I just kind of dug into that a little bit kind of a spoonful of that but Dr borti was very helpful and um although this this work is his wheelhouse and not mine um he answered all the questions I had and um was very helpful to learn about that so get ready for um and then just in a nutshell I think I think the the whole thing that I'm um experiencing and really loving about about this and and all the people I'm meeting is that you know it's all about it's all about education it's all about positioning whether you're on the board or you're you know in the school or you're at the student it's about this love of learning and that there's you never get to the end of it and there's always something and there's always dedicated people out there that um are going to teach you something great and amazing so um I experienced that in every walk of this being on the board and I just am so appreciative and grateful and and thank you all for what you do um don't have much to report tonight um I just wanted to say thank you to everyone the music was great um these are good um everything everything that they brought up is really great mock trial so just like you everybody free continued hard work and thank you for another month of allowing me to sit behind this table and be a part of this process and to represent the community on this board 7 weeks for me has been uh extremely trying and the biggest reminder from it all is a reminder of what what makes our town better than anybody else anywhere else is everybody here cares so much my daughter was was in an accident in Seattle and my wife has been by her side and um I've been running crazy I kind of feel like I've been letting everybody down I haven't visited any schools and then push into the limit and somehow find more every day people come by people call and get hugs and that's what makes our schools better it's because the people that run it and teach it we care more we do more programs than any other schools when I that uh that conference down south I got a lot of I spent a lot of time speaking to other board members and their schools aren't like our school it's because of all the people that cared we have so many superstars here Jeremiah you know uh sure seems like you're going to fit do you know I love your charisma um but uh we got a lot of superstars so we're we're all looking at you yeah Hannah welcome you know You're Welcome to our community it's it's full of love uh I love all of the programs you're pushing for um the the world is such a big place there's so many things to do and uh trying to make make it uh you know areas for our kids uh for them to grow in their natural environments what works for them you know I barely made it through high school here because I just was not interested in those things uh however auto shop and welding shop I was there I just I loved it it was natural to me you know I I played me playing music for like 3 years awful all the way through never got any better however uh somehow every tool I picked up it spoke to me and I was amazing with it still to this day you know I I use tools all day every day and uh because of this school I was able to bloom and become something so it it's amazing what is done here it really is it's every time I come hear everybody talk almost crying the whole time it's so emotional we're this is so special I love the direction we're going with that going to move forward thank you guys so much we got you can I just call me yeah I know you said you feel like you're letting people down I think you started with saying that you know your daughter was in an accident and your wife's been there for 7 weeks and even on his own he doesn't know how to cook and then I do dishes and so I think you know just knowing that here in our district everyone at this stage people in here you know in our audience and everywhere else we're with you man you're not letting us down so you keep pushing we know you're going through a tough time right now we got you thank you guys so much we care I wouldn't be right it's obvious it really is it's just amazing okay so let's move on with the consent agenda move to approve the consent agenda second all in favor opposed hello all right moving on to discussion items a first reading and consideration of revised board policies so um as is regular protocol we bring board policies to the board 2 times so this is a first reading 7 different policies so you guys will have a month to look those over ask any questions just any changes some of you are already approached me on a couple of them so I appreciate that um but again we're trying to just keep keep up make sure that we keep our policies up to date and so we're trying to bring a batch to just about every meeting to make sure that we stay in line so you'll have these 7 policies come back to you next month well for approval if I didn't know for action it's just here for um for for treatment thank you Brian Charlotte your expertise good evening so I'm just going to go over the governor's proposal for the 2526 state budget um pretty briefly I was able to go up to Sacramento um for school Services of California's workshop on this as well as Capital advisor to hold a workshop um at Madera County or Madera superintendent of schools um so just kind of some information of what we have coming working that's it go ahead there we go okay um so the governor's proposal is kind of our first glance at what we think the state's budget will look at for the 2526 year so just kind of as a recap we'll hear the governor's proposal then it goes to the legislature they kind of go back and forth we had a May revise which will take a look at and that kind of gives us a better idea of where we think things will land then we're putting together there are budget for the 2526 year and usually after we have ours done or adopted at the very end by June 30th and then we'll make revisions so reminding everybody this is a proposal but this is a a good first glance of kind of where we're going um so the governor came out and released his proposal um amidst 1 of California's most devastating natural disasters you guys have all heard about the fires so that's something that's kind of in the background of this where it's 1 Thing That kind of we're not sure exactly what will happen and we'll go into some of this um so the proposal um is showing stability and resilience um to protect California residents uh the budgets resilience is confronted by calls to expand essential services in an increasingly unaffordable state so we have you know we all know about like fire insurance and we all are facing the same things in our daily lives we also face those same things here at the school district um 1 thing that stood out in in multiple webinars that I did and these workshops is prop 98 is the biggest portion that is kind of set aside for schools and if you remember last year when they had what they called the prop 98 maneuver where they were kind of moving money around um so last year's proposed 98 man to reduce education funding the current proposal appears to also under appropriate a 2425 minimum guarantee by 1.6 billion so that is something that we think is going to be we're going to see that kind of go back and forth and we always want to Benchmark that and have as much as we can and prop 98 because it's kind of what is saved and secured for schools um but it it is proposing an education budget that invests in instruction and learning um and the protection of prop 98 is critical to ensure local leaders can provide high quality education again we're looking at a full state budget and so when we go to these are talking about a lot of the economy and then you know what's going on in the nation but at the end of the day we look at what is for for education and then I kind of bring like what does it mean to get somebody because what it means to another school district who might not be the same as your so initial thoughts in the economy um just over a year ago we had 1 of the largest budget deficits in history um and remember we had the like the delayed taxes where everybody had their deadline extended um to October and then subsequently to November 15th so this year we already have a tax delay for LA County um to October 2025 because of the fires but to put that in perspective that's 25% of the state population so just 1 count is the fourth um and it would rank 22nd if it was a country in the gross domestic product so when we think about California that's pretty huge 14 Fortune 500 companies are there so the taxes and not what those will be and be delayed is really hard to dislike us prepare a budget when we don't know exactly what the state budgets is is it's a kind of the same thing also um we all know that we had an election and we've got anticipated policies of the second Trump Administration which could have significant impacts to the economy and to education and that's all really too soon to tell what but we're we're keeping an eye on that all in all um ck14 does pretty well in proposal particularly compared to other sectors so again we we're always looking at wanting to protect that educational money um modest increase in ongoing resources and possible flexible 1-time funds we're seeing and Newsome's focus is on those major programs he has of when he's talking about Cradle to Career he is still um we're we've got the universal transitional kindergarten the Extended Learning opportunity program and Universal meals are some of his core um projects that he is showing funding for and um significant changes in Revenue estimates um could be possible at May revision so we're going off of only having certain information at as as of January so prop 98 again that core money for Education when you look at that 60% of it is ongoing money 40% is 1 time um again paying attention to the prop 98 guarantee the actual language in his proposal says the budget proposes to appropriate the guarantee at 117 billion instead of at the currently calculated level so I am pretty sure we're going to see some come back and forth and some um you know legal opinions on that as we did last year and um while education funding appears to be somewhat stable um the greatest risk to Local District budgets is local decisions and so that's something that we hear over and over is stable is not growing but what we have we need to make sure that we can maintain especially after we've had all of these 1-time dollars we really need to watch that this is just a little snapshot of right now they're estimating the cola which is the cost of living increase to be at 2.43% for the 2526 year I think they have 6 or 7 of the 8 points that you have to have in order to figure out what the statutory Cola is um if that was to put into place you can see um up here you have the doesn't go on the TV doesn't work on the TV so we're not going to use that but you'll see I'm there the base grants that's the 2425 base Grant is that Top Line and then you see what statutory Cola would be and then what the 2526 base Grant would be and how that works in that funding formula and how where it would increase um also Cola applies to some funding and some funding it does not so um I have got some notes here that what they're proposing um for yemeni unified uh the state special education Child Nutrition the mandated block grant um Adult Ed the American Indian early childhood education program and Equity multiplier are all things that they're saying that they probably would have the cola on um a proposal of Cola would be to elop um to Career Tech uh the K12 strong Workforce program that Brian mentioned we just got a grant and we also have a a a second Grant that's for culinary through them and the um a incentive program all of those are funding sources that we get that that we would not have Cola on so um proposals to watch so besides the cola we always look at that how will that work into the calculator um some proposals that they have is there's the learning recovery emergency block grant was a 1-time funds that we received a few years ago it was an amount that the that the state gave us and then when they had those trying times a couple years ago they pulled some of that back um now they are looking at maybe to restoring some of those funds that they had pulled back we'll see what happens with that there's also some assessments that might have to be done if we you're able if you get that money and we use it in future years it was all stuff that we're watching um there's some 1-time discretionary funds to address what they're calling Rising costs with State priorities of student supports and professional development and you'll see over the last couple of years a lot of 1-time Grants where they say okay well we're going to have you do all of these other things and we're going to give you some key things we want you to look at here are some 1-time funds to do that and so every time you say like oh well retirement you know pension costs have gone up they're like oh but we gave you that 1 time funds that year in in order to cover that so everything points back to that 1 time and we have to make sure that we're using that in a way that's keeping our district solve it and not adding programs that we then can't continue when those 1-time funds go away Universal TK class sizes going to 10 to 1 its 12 to 1 right now um the elap program which is the um expanded learning opportunity that that's like an after-school and we've got some programs that happen on non-school Days um they're looking at changing the percentages of the UN unduplicated pupils and the offering requirements but they're not I don't believe in be funding it more so we have to see how that works out because it may be that we have to provide it to more kids and so got to watch that and then Career Tech there's a lot of discussion in Career Tech that they want to do some kind of a consolidation um of streamlining those programs because you'll see we get a grant over here and we get a grant here and you got to match funds and you got to do this and so the state is really looking at that and I'm hopeful that they're seeing that those programs are something we really need and looking that doing that maybe like kind of been 1 funding source instead of all of these different ones and sometimes those grants are things we have to go after and it's not that every kid or every District gets those grants so considerations biggest thing in California right now is declining enrollment and we're no stranger to that um currently with the certification from calpads we are down 27 students from last year in our moment um that is a trend throughout California um the multi-year projections and the funding is not keeping up with Stephen column inflation sped contributions Insurance Calpers retirement those are just to name a few of things that we see rising and our funding is either staying steady or going down because even with Cola that doesn't always equate to more money if you have less students and we are also funded on attendance not enrollment um so again Cola is not translating dollar for dollar especially after the expiration of the co um attendance policies um prop 30 is an income tax portion that was extended to 2030 why we need to look at that is if that ends and doesn't extend the state is using that money right now to fund prop 98 so 98 education money if that goes away how are we going to do that prop 2 um is for facilities that pass so that's um great so they did add in there that you have to have a master plan and routine restricted maintenance account audits um if you're going to go after those funds so yay we have a facility master plan underway so we're putting ourselves in a good position for that and um overall spend issues continue to grow and there's not additional funding for that so that's also something that they're seeing Statewide so what's next right now we're going to watch what happens at both the state and federal levels the legislative analyst office actually came out today and released their analysis so their nonpartisan they come out and they give back to the legislature of what they think of the governor's budget um I got this at 4:52 today uh so uh but I had a couple of notes on it um so they are saying to the legislature that they think that the governor's plan is seen as reasonable a reasonable starting point um but they do have some improvements that they are showing 1 is maintaining that problem 98 maneuver to address volatility so another thing that they're pointing out um maintaining a budget cushion with 1-time funding again they're pointing out that kind of those same things is 1 time funding while we'll take it I'd rather see it be ongoing um while they support the uh block grant for student support and professional development and Rising costs um saying you know that really needs to be more clear um the language is is kind of very general there are also talking about the learning recovery emergency block grant they're saying that they should be we should be able to maybe extend the time period in order to spend that and then they really are hoping that we can eliminate um any payment deferrals because that hits our cash and so the state sometimes will say you're funded at this amount but we're going to defer that money so we're going to tell you you're getting it you show it on your books but we're not going to give it to you till later and so there's budget and then there's cash um and if we don't have enough cash uh we also will be looking at a tax revenue anticipation note because when our taxes come in in December we to have to float ourselves if the state has deferred a lot of money and sometimes we need to do that anyway if our if our property taxes are the biggest portion of it so some of the things that that they um noted today when they came out that um another thing that they're really about and this happens every I don't know 10 15 years they recommend to just change how we we fund education it used to be Revenue limits um then that change where we went into the local control funding formula so now guess what recommending that maybe we do some changes to that I would not be surprised if they didn't come out and start pushing for more um enrollment numbers instead of attendance um yeah could be could be good it would be enrollments across the state so then again you know kind of how does that how does that play out for ease I think it would probably be better than attendance at our right now um discussion of flexibility in any time 1 time funds you know really let the districts use it in the way that we know that we what we need to do at our sites um uh local educational agencies we're going to continue to face challenges especially being small the next steps budget committee hearings are happening um the May revise will come out on or before May 15th and the legislature must pass the budget bill by June 15th and then the final budget deal must be done by June 30 it will be the done by June 30th because if it is not they don't get paid so it will but it will probably then come with some trailer language um to kind of change things and that's when we come to you with like a 45 day if anything's a lot different than what we did our assumptions on so this is just 1 of their funny comics is uh this is the 1 time money and this is kind of just saying as we keep giving the 1 time money we're extending the plank before uh the CVO falls to the sharks so laugh about it do you guys have any questions for me a couple I know I'm going back on the budget committee so after we have our meeting I probably won't be asking you more questions after that but uh you mentioned possible changes to the uh um unduplicated percentages could you just elaborate on that a little bit what what did you mean by that the uh the percentage to qualify for unduplicated or what you have to Pro where you have to provide in what you have to serve so that's what it's looking like right now and again this is just like language they come up with that the governor has said like I want more kids to be served or maybe you have to serve at least a certain percentage of those kids and so that'll all kind of be remain to be seen I think we'll probably be okay here we have a lot of kids participating and and we're able to give that opportunity to just if we don't get more funding for it and then we have to meet those guidelines and then we're audited on them we'll have to make sure that we that we do okay so right now that the Extended Learning Program it's a tiered system if you're going to duplicate it people percentage is at a certain level you have to have a certain number of is in there right versus where our level is right now you have to offer it to everyone so there's a difference between requiring kids to go versus offering it and they're looking at changing those percentages I see and we don't know how that would impact us here and the other 1 is prop 2 and Brian and I because then we went to a seminar um when you were at the superintendent's conference and you you mentioned to me briefly a couple of weeks ago but I'm still not getting my head around prop 2 so I know we need a facilities master plan do we have to pass our own bond to get prop 2 money so prompt to money it's a facility money at the state level right so you don't have to have a bond to get state facility money you have to um you have to qualify and you look at your sites and you and you look at what your um like there there's modernization and there's new construction and what you are able to qualify for depending on the um how old your facilities are when the last time you used school funding there's there's a there's a kind of myriad of things so that's the state funding but it does only funds like 50% I think for 50% for new construction and maybe 60% for modernization some somewhere in there so the other money in order to pay for that has to come from somewhere we as a district don't have a lot of extra money to be putting towards facilities so when you're looking at Bond money that usually is passed for you know you can do bonds for different things but if you're doing it for facilities that is the way that is really you can make that Bond money go further and match those funds to the state so if you if we passed the bond let's say hypothetically in the next 2 to 4 years here locally and in the meantime we're independently we're applying for prop 2 money let's say um is I got the impression that there could be a significant time lapse in between passing your own Bond and getting them propped to money like well many many years right is what I'm what the impression I'm getting so far so part of what I heard and the new learning I was able to gain is number 1 so to to short answer to your question do you have to pass a bond to qualify the answer is no you don't have to but um you're being a much better position to match funds from the state you'd be able to match a lot more funds and qualify for a lot more funds you can make the bond money go much further the second part you're talking about right now is there are already districts in line for um for facilities for State facilities money that has been coming down the pike that they haven't been able to fun and so um the recommendation was get yourselves in line as soon as possible right so you're also there because some of the the districts who couldn't get their projects couldn't get funded they're already in line for some other prop 2 funding based on that um so how long it could be how long it could take I mean no 1 was really able to answer that question but it was just like there are already people in line from previous state money and so you you kind of got to get in line behind them for the state money but do it because then there'll probably be another and another 1 and another it just seems if I'm and I probably not understanding fully but it seems kind of crazy we got to get in line for about 2 months where we might get 50 to 60% depending on whether it's repairs or new facilities and if we don't pass them on but we eventually do get to the front of the line on Prop 2 we got to come up with the other 50% or 40% in order to get that money from Pro so in reality for us it sounds like we don't pass a bond none of that's ever going to work for us too because we're it's unlikely that we're ever going to have some of their funding source that would pay for half of the repairs or 40% of the new facility or whatever the requirement sorry is that a fair assessment my mind that's a fair assessment that's a fair assessment and I mean the other thing is to take out loans for the other portion of it and cops but you know that's like we're we're doing that now um but could we afford that and could we afford that long term um yeah so um this is a busy time for you because you just got the the governor's proposed budget you're getting your budget to together for next fiscal year you're probably starting to think about your second interim report and they throw this thing about a new calculation I when I went to work in in education in 1990 they had just changed to the revenue limit calculation and I was sort program is that there wasn't a lot of heads up about it it's like here's the new calculation and I just realized I wasn't part of the anywhere near the group that made those decisions I I met the lady very soon after I joined the Fick Matt from Sacramento UniFi I choose like you a CBO and she understood how the new calculation would work here now we've been on lcff for 12 or so yeah something 14 uh and and now they're proposing to change that again when do you think a new calculation would realistically be something we will be trying to work with if I was to guess I would say in the next 5 years they'll be doing something different somewhat different all right I think they will stick with doing something with the unduplicated pupil count in there I I think that that will stick but then um the the governor knew some maneuver last year I I had thought that that wasn't successful I I thought that the prop 98 maneuver was attempted but it was averted because some people said uhuh but it looks like it the I believe it has this has to do with the fact that we had those taxes that were delayed to the storms 2 years ago so they didn't have the real numbers so you're closing your books I'm not real numbers and this is kind of how it plays out and then the last question I have for you is um just kind of more of an observation you have a Governor's proposed budget that's Based on data that's going to be way off because 25% of the state's tax revenue is is associated with LA county and they're not going to get extended filing deadline is October um I think we've got to be I think very gracious with whatever numbers you project because it it's it's a it's a crystal ball in the first place and now now you're the the volatility of the numbers is is incredibly High um I used to advise cbos to create multiple projection scenarios expected a pessimistic and an optimistic and in a situation like this I would think that airing on the side of caution for you would be choose the least the the least optimistic projection just to protect the financial best interests of the district that the risk that we run then is that if things turn out Rozier you wind up with money later in you know I mean and you won't find out until October right well not even then because that's when the filing deadline so I don't know yeah so yeah and and I am I am I am usually very conservative in kind of what I budget and then we're also doing those multi-year projections and you've seen that you know in our current year we're like okay we're doing pretty good but in those out ears with those conservative projections were were deficit spending so being conservative and having it be a little bit more Rosy is the best case scenario but we definitely don't want to put ourselves in a place where we're deficit sending and we're looking at hey we're only basically hitting that 3% reserve of our unrestricted in that third year and we were like over zealous of putting everything that I've heard about so these everybody will hear you know they hear me say I'm like well that's great but you know they're talking about that but that's not going in the budget until I actually get allocations from CDE and we know it's something that's passed and the last thing I just want to find out is I like love your point of that your Cola you could get a 2.43 this year projected but if you're in a declining enrollment your your lower Ada calculated into the total revenues is going to completely wash out that 2.43 you could wind up with lower revenues you could wind up with lower revenues and we have certain costs that so every year regardless because we've got 7 column and we know that we're going to have some Retirement Systems that go up and we have Rising costs in our utilities um you know like everybody else insurance insurance is a ya insurance is a big 1 the salaries and benefits go up to take a bigger portion leaving this putting the bigger squeeze on the part everything else that makes a school district run yeah most services go up the food that we're buying for the kids that's gone up just like our so yep those are all things that we're watching and you know do the best we can to not have those cuts go to the classroom well props to you your your work and for keeping an eye out on the financial future all the time and you start DR boarding good evening Board of Trustees so today I'm presenting as I did last year on the elcat midyear review so there's no action it does need to be approved really this came about 1 we're doing this for 1 compliance and it's mandated but I think Jennifer and Andy kind of summarized it like it's a the lcap is a lot of information that's consumed but in 1 hand that's good because we have our internal Benchmark data we have our lcap we have our lcap survey data we have our climate survey data so all these and I'm as Andy said I'm a researcher so all these metrics and all these numbers all formulated to goals and plans and I had a question about well how do we know if they're working well I can tell you that as as we begin to build the lcap that's going to come in June that's going to be approved by the board and account work with the county now um all those metrics are evaluated and I can tell you that the county will flag actions if we attribute money and it's not working so I'll have to go back in there and kind of have an explanation have uh have a have a rationale why we're we're doing certain things so um it is it is a robust document that does tell a story of our district but it also shows um kind of where where we're at in terms of goals actions so I just want to be clear that this lcap is what was approved in June so we are in a mid-year second year we're in the second year of a 3-year cycle and this is a mid year review on what was approved in June so part of the lcap hobby is a financial so when and then Jennifer and I had some dialogue um it's about 12636 pages but I can tell you with almost certainty it's going to get longer it's going to get longer because it's going to become also a financial document where we're going to have to funnel or articulate um have some information around some of these responsible receiving so not only are we already putting in CSI funds Equity multiplier funds and these these funding sources have to align to our lcap but they have to align to the to the site plan so that was new starting last year so part of um the all cap and this mid year review is also to highlight some of the revenue sources that were from first century so these numbers um they're not going to be they shouldn't be new um so are we on track with lcap spending yes part of this process of a mid-year review is also to identify has the district changed their goals or actions meaning have they went in a different direction and some districts might um we've we've kept our same goals um and what was approved in June um and our actions now as we as we go through the months those goals and actions will be evaluated and at some point last year we had a special education goal the year prior um that was mandated so so last year we it wasn't as mandated but we kept the same goal because it is important to focus on achievement focus on special education or we also increased um the services in terms of the goal of what what what we're offering for different subgroups that makes any sense so here so here's the sum of the numbers from um first interim so another um foundational component of the alcap is the lcap are specialized funds grounds um supplemental and concentration funds so these aren't funds where we can come to the table with our unions and say you know what we're going to use this for for salaries these are very targeted funds that need an explanation and the higher we spend supplemental concentration the more in this document we need to articulate so we have some items where we're funding um a variety of certain initiatives where we're going to make in terms of evaluating data speaking with um our cabinet having some dialogue bring up that provide some evidence of why why we're spending these these monies um and especially if there's something on concentration it's called contributing so when you look at the document if there's a yes for contributing that means supplemental concentration of phones are being used so supplement on concentration for that's the foundational aspect of the alcat but with goals and services we also use general education funds to to funnel and support some of these initiatives so here again here's the again a snapshot of first in so go 1 all students will be provided a high quality instruction within a broad and rigorous curriculum that will prepare them for success in college and the work for goal 2 students will benefit from a safe healthy positive School climate where they will be supported by teachers and staff who nurture social emotional development and prioritize teacher student relationships and school connectedness goal 3 yusd will provide opportunities for students parents and community members and organizations to participate in all aspects of the educational environment to support and enhance Student Success goal 4 why USD will improve opportunities for academic and social emotional support for students with disabilities to improve outcomes in ela math improve the tenants and suspension so goal 4 was also um it's more detailed this was I gave a little snapshot of synthesized it a bit so we are looking and and not only focused on special education but we are also focused on specific subgroups within uh our our Leah which is our district so for goal 1 um this is again a snapshot of the expense Ventures um I can tell you if if we um budgeted for a certain amount and we spent a significant amount more I would be coming and giving you some feedback on on what happened and why because obviously that that's not kind of our on what we're doing so we go so these are actions within the goal so these actions are they're tied to money and those go under under goal so this is just a quick snapshot of of the lcap um as I go the goals and actions so 1.1 is recruit and retain high quality teachers 1.2 is curriculum 1.3 is Broad course of study 1.4 is ntss and again just to reiterate all these uh actions are not contributing so all these are not snc funds but but most are it's not makes sense the 1.6 is professional development 1 7 is teacher collaboration 1.8 is technology 1.9 is around educational options as Jennifer mentioned we are lucky we we our small district and we provide a very comprehensive um differentiated approach to meeting the needs of students and that comes at a cost so that cost is right around 145,000 so but it is vital it is important and it provides additional opportunities for students to do successful you 345 what special education and that is not contributing so that so but it is a honestly I was going to that is an action that's going to support um no 1 data management system 1 411 and 1.12 professional development for best practices for our long-term um English language I'll talk to you later 1.13 CT Project based learning that again is also not a um contributing action but it is also is it is important and we are looking at completing that work as we get into the next few months because it is important around supporting our CT projects looking at a graduate profile um so we are excited to to even though it's not happening right now it it is in the old cap because it's important for 1 and for we have bringing this back in terms of looking at this dissecting providing supports I'm looking at Best Practices 1.14 is a data and Consultants 1.15 is Mr Wilkinson .16 is supporting elb teachers so that is our around ELD English language learner development Goal 2 so go to 2.1 is mtss or on social emotional um 2.2 is student leadership opportunities that was also not contributing um 2.3 is uh is a is a position um that works in educational options and also at the high school it's a nice principal 2.4 is a Richmond activ and transportation so this is obviously in terms of transportation and needs this was an area that we need to look at um and and looking at increasing in comparison to the ears because it is important for 1 and 2 it does get expensive so we use the l as it means to also um we're not supplanting because again this this plan is not supplanting where we can well for paying for Teacher A and B these are really kind of new initiatives that we're going to look at 3 or 3 years um but 2.4 is is very important 2.5 the sarb so we We are continuing with the Tsar bored that's for Truitt students where they have meetings and then after the meetings if they don't if that's not improving and they would go to a a Tsar student attendance review board so we're working with the 2 Mountain communities to come together to get a starboard so we're sharing resources you know like uh somebody from law enforcement somebody from mental health probation so that's a sar board and and and we're we're still building that so but I can tell you with almost certainty attendance meeting are happening at the sites so principals teachers are coming together with families to figure out hey you know how come we're not coming to school what can we do to help you so that work is is is and obviously if you know if if those site level meetings are happening then there's a sar board and then after the starboard if there is chronic truancy if there's families um that are not coming this school and we can't be needs then then we can um look at different referrals for additional supports 2.6 is custodial maintenance service 2.7 again Transportation that's another that's that's an expensive item but and vinyl to our small District so we do utilize some of the funds to um support um so um supplemental concentration funds to support students and transportation because obviously I can't get to school you can't learn 2.8 culture and school climate program so 3.1 educational partner survey so that's put in there because as we as we do the lcap surveys which is live and active now we also provide culture and climate surveys to and a barometer in terms of how our students feeling how is the communities take what is their position because it's very informative it's very informative uh and that's 3.2 climate survey 3.3 site and uh District level advisor groups 3.4 is our Donovan groups our Donovan group has provided a variety of opportunities for outreach for social media support for presentations and um you the board approved that contract um I believe mtss again in academic and meeting needs of students uh first Tier 1 tier 2 so Tier 1 would be a teacher providing supports for struggling students our benchmarks help with identifying students where there are gaps or there behind so so that helps with with mtss intervention 4.2 against professional development um even though there may not be zero money we use a different pots so out of ed services through me there's uh educator effectiveness a certain funds specifically targeted to support teachers to to look at strategies and a variety of other initiatives so because they're zero dollars please do not equate that to we're not doing anything special development I assure you we have we have our support um where we have our vendor coming in working with our teachers talking a little bit um to build um Curriculum maps and that's taken off and we and we've partnered with our hmh folks that's our vendor and that's the approved Curriculum by Board of Education um so if you see educator Effectiveness that's not essency that's a different pot but we have allocated professional development in our plan because obviously it's very important and things that are falling outside of educator effect which is 1 funding source um we're doing other initiatives again mtss and social emotional learning 4.4 is climate school programs and that is a quick overview of the June approved lcap which was approved by our board and then the county and there's there's targeted work that happens with the county um within that document you'll see some of the work we did last year with the and differentiate assistance looking at um special education the year prior we looked at attendance and the positive thing working with the county having a different assistant process both of those areas did improve um those following year so um all cap again has and then Jennifer frame it's a lot it's a it's a very deep very detailed document but that's my design and it's also Compliance Document so I can't just put things together and on paper along with the cabinet and just say well just spend money this way there there has to be explanations and if things aren't working we have to identify and if there's areas as I came um to the board I think it was January where we're in red we're going to have to have an explanation what are you doing what is our telling our district doing to improve outcomes and specific areas and that'll be articulated so I've talked a lot is there any questions can I ask a question would you mind if you can control the slides can you go back to the slide that shows the 4.2 okay right there all right I want to clarify something because you mentioned it looks like there's no money there but if I'm understanding that correctly that zero is simply how much money's been spent today it's not what was budgeted it's what's been spent today for for example on 4.1 you've spent 57861 out of a budget in 1403636 right so there's money that's budgeted for professional development that just hasn't been any spent yet my understanding and correctly out so there's there's a pot of money called educator Effectiveness where there's a plan around that and that may not be specifically referenced in there but obviously we pay for special education professional development our h image professional development so yeah so this in this specific part what we're referencing in the lcap we haven't we haven't had to dip into that but there's still yeah so okay that that might be the confusing part um in terms of throwing me a little bit in terms of looking at that resources in terms of money there are different pots so we may not go specifically to Title 1 or supplemental concentration funding we may look at okay well we have some other we have a plan around supporting teachers um we have a plan building capacity for strategies but it may not dip into that so that's why I wanted to reference because if I'm a I'm a Community member and I said what the heck why are we not building capacity and support that that that with that pot right there that that would not be specifically so I don't have another question I just have an observation I I can't figure out if the veteran analogy in my head to understand the lcap is like an aircraft carrier because you are if if as an aircraft carrier you're you're getting data that's almost 18 months old that's informing what your next elcap moves are going to be so or if it's an aircraft carrier or if it's just like a bunch of plates you're spinning and every 1 of these little action item there's a plate and you got to make sure it's you know you got to go over and do that 1 a little bit there's a lot to keep track of and it's incredibly complex work but I was greatly sort of somewhat relieved to hear you say yesterday was that um you're very reliant on internal data to really inform today's decisions this is a great tool and it's the aircraft carrier you know feedback report but you're looking at internal data to really inform form that micro adjustments that are really kind of deep in a steered toward this is a good thing I get it but it's it was nice to hear you explain the difference yesterday I appreciated that and that and that internal data well then go into the cell cap received in June okay so that internal data as we're evaluating surveys Benchmark data that we need to fuse that in because that is a component of the lcap is that um County from the of the oversight approval they're saying like part of this process you need some Benchmark data you need to work with sights and and better informed structure around informed data to drive instruction so the things we're doing intrinsically now we're building is becoming now more common is going to pay off thank you thank you Jared I'm sorry no just I could have asked this question any time in the last 4 and a half years very Elementary do all districts the number goals you just hit me while I was looking at this is 4 standards for required um I I never asked that question if we're required to have a certain number of rules so I can tell you even larger urban districts a 15 to doesn't have minimized the amount of goals so they can Target and focus work some of our goals are were mandated so we had a special education goal that was mandated um 2 years ago and then the first year of the new cycle it was not mandated but we kept because it's important but expanded it so really the key is you can ask for 15 gold but like in in actuality what's the reality that we're really focusing specifically on those goals and really evaluating to a to really a true degree so in looking at these these 4 buckets you kind of call those 4 buckets really highlight kind of what we're doing as a district in terms of our plan so that that's the positive kind of rationale but again there are goals that that are ated but in terms of this the Jew approved lcap um those those 4 goals um not specifically mandated I've got 1 last 1 if if that pot of money isn't used at all it comes out of somewhere else what happens to that it would depend on if it's contributing which is um supplemental concentration or if it's fund so special education is general fund so that would go that continues to notice it but if it's supplemental concentration if it's not used then we can look at so for instance so here's an example so some of the money we budgeted around we had a bilingual um liaison that person was not hired till till um till later so we had some months where we were paying that so that is some money that we're keeping and we can you take a look at utilize maybe a different area so with snc I mean we can continue to to kind of use that if that makes any sense I think also I'm trying to read between the lines usually you're asking do we lose it if we don't use it is that kind of what you're asking or does it go into another does it roll over into something else and there are some 1-time funds that have to be spent by a certain date but we're always going to spend those so this Charlotte can maybe actually shed some light on this as well but I guess the bottom line to that is that we don't lose it we carry it over it falls at the bottom line we can budgeted and that kind of thing I don't know if I'm saying this correctly but yeah so in the lcap as Jared was saying there there's contributing the the contributing funds are the supplemental and concentration so those funds actually there is if you have carryover there's a whole calculation which you will see in the next year's lcap and we have to explain it and we have to explain why you know maybe we weren't able to do what we wanted to do it also gets interesting because the calculation sometimes will make that at about more which ends up going into your general fund but yes those are all tracked and so if you don't use them then you still need to use them on a goal and action in the future any of the other resources is it really just depends on what they're spending deadlines and any of those that are not contributing and so I was just looking up like for that professional development the explanation there would be that that has to do with Equity multiplier because it's noted in here that's coarse gold and Raymond Granite so even though that's a a an action and a goal and an action and it says professional development that is not all professional development within the district that is specific to all of the language that's in that 1 in action and so when we work on doing this mid-year update um we're looking at okay what did we budget for these things and it could be out of multiple sources or just SMC and then I'm running reports see what did we spend if I set aside dollars for professional development here and we spent 4 and then out of a different funding source was another goal in action and we didn't spend anything that's why you can see that zero so some of those it's like good questions because then we can dig in and see like okay well this is the exact reason reason why or maybe we didn't you know a lot of these you're going to see it's almost about 50% that we spent because we're kind of halfway and if they might be people that kind of thing or it may be something that we know we're going to do in the springtime and that's where that expenses going to be and so you might not have anything there because we haven't spent it yet it's not encumbered it's actual expenses yeah and if we're not spending those targeted funds there's going to be questions and we're going to have to figure so we just can't roll it over and say ah what was the what's the build it for next year there's going to be questions in an explanation and and those s&c funds supplement concentration we're looking at Foster youth we're looking at eel and social economic Advantage so these funds when we talk about SMC we we just can't spend on anything we need to really focus and and drill down how are those funds meaning the needs of of of that population can I ask 1 more question and you um sorry this is a light bulb for me when uh snc is equivalent synonymous with like used to be called categorical are there are there still categorical that that aren't related to there's still categorical and categorical are making a comeback and that's more where you're going to have all these different resources that are very specific um which is kind of like educator Effectiveness like things that are very much to that category the S and the C is when you see that ba That Base Grant and then you have that add-on um that's where you get for your unduplicated pupils it's the supplemental is the first layer the concentration is the second layer and that's that extra money you see in there and that is what we we are spending in the lcap that's contributing for special population out of your local control funding formula that's why everybody sees a lot of money being spent at other districts in the valley that we don't see the same so everybody says well how come you with the basketball team and all the parents and coaches how come this gym is so nice down here yeah we don't have that from lots of money the volume of it nice work thank you Jerry thank you thank you all right so we're item 6 so item 6D is um the the Sunshine of initial bargaining proposal from the ease of my teaching Association to our district so um we're going to we will begin up on the board's approval next month um this will be back next month we'll begin negotiating for the 2526 school year and so this proposal shows that um the Teachers Association is proposing that we negotiate around Article 5 and 8 which is compensation and benefits that we negotiate around article 10 which is ours and that we negotiate around Article 13 which is transfer and reassignment so this is informing the board making this public um for a month and it will come back next month for very good thanks Brian and the next 1 the next 1 is just the other way right this is the district now um also sunshiny and making public what um we intend to bargain and there's a lot of overlap there we also intend to bargain 5 and 8 which is compensation and benefits we also plan to bargain 10 which is ours um the different 1 that we have is we want to bargain article 22 which is the actual term of the agreement number of years you'll be back next month you didn't we're gonna gabble into a public hearing okay so this is a public hearing on schools facility be justification report for residential commercial and Industrial Development projects and I think we need to find out if we had any any public comment on this item we did not okay um so that's basically the public hearing is about the um maximum level 1 developer fees a school district charge um they're set by Statute and you have to do a developer fee study which is in the next agenda item so in order for the district to charge a new rate a fee justification studies required to establish that that there's these different things that you meet which you'll see in that study it's about a 40-page study um and so before we can bring that to the board we need to have a public hearing we publish in the paper times to notify a legal legal notice that we are looking at um changing our developer fee rates and so we did that and also notify if we had big developers in the area that had been put on a list or if we knew like there was a big trapped home going in that's something that we would do so we have done all of those things and just to note the last time that the uh developer fees were updated for you unified was in 2014 so it has been 11 years since they've been which which paper uh Mariposa does that anything online or is it just paper only um it's paper but they do have an online subscription and all of the legal notices are available online we paid for them on average how often do districts revisit their developer fee calculation depends on the district so I know some that are doing it every single year and getting the highest level that they can and others who um have an updated it in years I heard gas leak updated there's yesterday last night where did I we I think he prepared us a nice comparison chart I think we all got that right yeah I I did and I believe um Brian had circulated that so so they were still at like less than 1% because they hadn't what we got that chart I was just curious what they approved like if you know what they approve um so bath like approved the to go to level 1 they have a third study was a joint study with um you know somebody unifying and so how it works is Level 1 if it's level 1 and it's a certain amount per square foot if you share the district like a high school and an Elementary District in the same area the Elementary District takes 60% the high school district takes 40% of that fee so they approve the same rate that we're bringing to you tonight uh which was 2.21 well know um so so they approved that it was 5 517 right so so so they also approved 517 we're proposing 517 they take 60% of that 517 and we take 40% of that 57 okay that's right so currently vast lake is charging 96 cents a square foot and they will 310 for their area um we are currently at 2:21 a square foot and we would go to 517 we would be at 517 for all of like the course gold area that's where our Elementary's are we would we would take all of the amount in and we would be at 207 for this area area before we as you send a unified have been collecting zero dollars for anything in the ocher Spas Lake area 40% of 517 yes and it would be new and we were not assessing any gas liquid collecting 96 cents so if you are building an occurs you are getting a great deal never collected developer fees we collected developer fees only for coarse gold area yeah the way the study was done prior 11 years ago this will begin effective if the res so this is the public hearing if when we go in and to the resolution if the resolution is adopted by the board then it is 6 50 days after the resolution is approved where the rate goes into effect and we let Madera County not the April April April 14th time for tax but not for LA for the new apartment units in Chipotle and Tractor Supply and everything else that's been also those so those those are commercial rates though and the 84 cents a square foot yeah so currently we are not collecting anything on commercial at all and neither was Bass Lake at all in this entire area and that will go to 84 cents um is the level 1 rate you know we're going to be splitting that as well 6040 for the area up here right Apartments count as commercial non-residents they would be residential they would be residential what about what about those airbnbs up there on just past the north end of town are they the commercial yeah because it's a it's gonna be mention center with 100 and some Airbnb that sounds like it would probably be commercial um I would have to see the permit that they have with the county to be able to tell so the new state Community College District Oakhurst Center yes is that going to generate some hopefully for us they may already have their permits I wondered if when you draw your they probably have current current current practice is is that the county is not supposed to issue a permit without the developer fees being paid but there is legislature and is being talked about to where they want to do it maybe when you take occupancy um to me that causes some issue because you know the people are already in there and we can't really hold anything up all right thank you very much okay so we need to close the gavel out No 1 to uh action item 8A adoption of resolution 2024 2025 07 resolution to impose level 1 developer fees we have any comment or question we need a motion motion second all uh all the discussion app okay before the vote discussion any comments I make a motion to approve oh no I mean that all in favor all opposed by little go Mark and Jennifer thank you thank you an action item 8 B certification of corrective action for 2023 2024 audit findings and recommendations you remember last month we had our auditor um from bore chart here and she went over the audit findings so 1 thing that we have to do is clear those findings with not only the county office but there are certain ones that we clear with CDE so this is to bring um the certification of corrective action to you to approve and this is what we give to the county office so um basically it is kind of talent like as it was in the audit it's telling you how we're going to correct the issue that that was found so I can go through these pretty quickly because um and then if you guys have any questions just let me know so the first 1 was uh the first audit finding was for attendance and that had to do with the um are that had those sixth graders being in seventh grade and it's different amounts of those kiddos get so that has already that is being redone when the P2 correction window opens and so that will be changed and that will clear our that will clear that audit finding um the second 1 H was um for kindergarten continuation and that 1 has already been resolved and what we've done is to make sure that all the processes were in place of what we need to do and we have a kindergartener come in for those retention slips and make sure that we have that and what we do if we can't get it from the other school so that 1 is already corrected and we just hope that we don't have findings moving forward without 1 the third 1 was the state compliance um for the unduplicated pupils and so that 1 is we are working we have um a software that is for food service the database coordinator is working with the nutrition services manager to make sure that all of that data that's collected is reported correctly we have 1 that ended up not reporting correctly from the the systems talking to each other um so we're making sure that that's done for the new line the new online registration and the direct certification process so that will be cleared up the fourth 1 was a state compliance with immunizations that has already been taken care of by our nurse and so that right up is there of what take what was done and the last has to do with the classroom teacher salaries and that is the exemption and that clears that that audit finding so we're just asking for approval of what we're doing to clear those and then we give that to the county office as well as the 1 that we have to clear with CDE I have already worked with them on I move to approve second discussion all in favor all opposed thank you Andy Andy I'm sorry all right DC contract agreement with Fresno Regional Workforce and we have a public comment Mr uh I'm available for questions and answers about this unbelievable opportunity for our young people wow would today but I am so sorry for the world a Expo I had some really good discussions with a variety of vendors to really uh excited about the program that this uh board this district is uh looking at approving tonight uh just in a nutshell uh we were approached and just before Christmas break I buy first original Workforce Development uh they have another uh another District that had been given a significant amount of money and they had not touched it other than paying salaries out of it never started a class never started a never started never started and the risk of cell that you got testicle the new wear they could put some money and get a whole lot of traction really bounce so I spent most of my Christmas break talking with a number of people uh working with with Jessica working with Charlotte working with Brian working with user and board members specifically um we are uh the Grant is up to 240,000 it's 12,000 per participant for a 10 week program uh that is a pre-apprentice program into the Building Trades uh 1 week is construct Now 1 week is uh Hazardous Materials Handling another week is OSHA and then the last 3 weeks are supported by the trade unions and the Central Valley uh they do um a quick and dirty dog and pony shows that we are IBEW this is our Union this is what we do this is our benefits join us and then the other part of that is uh what is going to set our program apart is uh we are making investment in equipment uh Hands-On training Etc and we have unbelievable amount of support not only in our local community but in the greater uh Central Valley area um we're going to change lives we have up uh we have enrollment up to 20 people uh I probably have already been talked to you by about 15 people that are interested if you if you have a Facebook presence you know that we've been teasing this program literally last night's uh posted check back on Friday registration will open uh this is an amazing program it's not about me it's about we we're going to change young people's lives we're going to get them from unemployment underemployment socioeconomically disadvantaged we're going to put them into a career path instead of just a treadmill of a part-time job with no benefits no retirement does that if you have additional questions after this and I've got blessed twice already but that's uh I am here I'm excited and I want to thank the board you do this patient for believe it in our students proud to be here thank you for your passion well done to you yeah can I get a motion to approve second discussion about it say that that other district and I don't know who they are but as a former fraud examiner I tell you that where they pay only salaries and they never implemented the program it's dereliction it is that sounds terrible and they should have to repay it they really shouldn't have to repay that they are probably saying something stupid and it may make somebody mad but that doesn't sound right at all so they have you're going to make it different oh yeah this this grant have the money has to be spent by December or these are not my words you said that facilitators words we're going to take a look at our enrollment uh second weekend and there's every indication that we will be doing a fall cohort also with additional money uh because they know what we can do left here this is going to change lives it is going to change a lot of life thank you very much all right all in favor all opposed thank you thank you thank you all right item action a d approval of yusd site safety plans my former principal hat on so site safety plans each school is required to um have a site safety plan which entails a variety of different emergencies evacuations you know yet you're going to have staff members a certain roles during an emergency um and part of this process is to have a committee it's going to have some input have some dialogue about it and then present to the staff and then it goes to site Council so this has been vetted in some some site level on plans and uh I'm asking for um the approval of the site safety points motion to approve so moved second second discussion all in favor all opposed so so thank you very much everything you put together is amazing item 8 8 e approval of curriculum development agreement with Chuck samsy 2025 through 2029 I'll address that um I'm going to recommend to the board that we table this item uh we've been working with um the tribe and we just haven't yet they haven't yet taken this to their Tribal Council and had them approve it and I would recommend to our board that before we approve a final version that we wait for that that's been our normal protocol stay before that they have asked us to make some particular change see the agreement that we have legal counsel looking at right now and so kind of what I'm saying is we had this on the agenda in hopes that we would have it ready for approval tonight but we just don't so I would ask the board if you want to learn more information about it I'll say a little bit we've done we've been offering Chuckchansi language um instruction curriculum and instruction in our um district for 3 this is the third year that we've been doing it we have a teacher in our district Kim Lan who's also a tribal member and um she writes the curriculum she develops a curriculum in conjunction with some some tribal elders and also in conjunction with some um faculty at Fresno State so it's a very good partnership um that we entered into 3 3 years ago because we want to be a part of keeping the language and the culture alive in Community they have Tribal Elders who are in their late 80s to 90s um who are some of the last that speak the language and have been keeping some of that alive so we're trying to bring forward our young folks and teach them that and and keep this keep this alive what this contract entails is that um the tribe actually pays the salary benefits and different costs associated with developing the curriculum while to us and we employ the teacher so they're basically paying for it to be done allows us to keep an additional staff member to just do this work it's a great partnership um and uh we're actually we've been doing this 1 year at a time we're proposing right now that we do a 3 year deal they already told me not going to happen but that they might do too and and probably 1 and they just you know they're just um it's tough for them to commit to that amount of money when you're asking for 3 years at a time on our end I really want 3 years because the kids on the front end of this are freshmen now and I want them to be able to do their sophomore Junior and Senior year graduate with 6 years of Chauncey language go is it with the UC 8G approved class and perhaps be the first 1 in our state to do something like that and so um we'll continue working on it I'm have every confidence in the world that we'll be back next month and ready for the board to consider this approval after their Council so I would recommend that we um motion to table there we go so moved second second all all uh all in favor yeah all right can we do a discussion first yeah it's all right um when you said the money that they're committing this is Chanty that would come in correct it's interesting that they're the it's the language and you know I I want to take the courses it's exciting man but I would think for them they would be even more excited to have somebody like a school district in the resources we can bring in instructional sense to help keep their language alive and like you said when those tribal Elders pass away it's really going to be entire language could go go dying so anyway I just wanted to make that it's for sure not it's not lack of excitement on the part they're very excited um they actually approached us 3 years ago to to sure to enter into this it's just that um I think I believe they run elections every year I don't know if anybody in the room knows but they run elections every year so their council is always very reluctant to commit to things beyond their terms it's internal I don't want to speak for them but that's the sense I get its kind of their internal workings and um so while we're pushing for the long term agreement you know they have some liquids that can I understand it all right all in say I I opposed table table information items uh the district enrollment report 9A yeah just the regular monthly um kind Charlotte mentioned it in her report that we're down about 27 students from last year it's a trend across the across the state we figured out some of the reasons why but you know we are as I say a graying Community we kind of an aging Community not a lot of kids come and we learn more difficult to afford housing here so this obviously impacts you know finances and and what we're able to do you look at 302 students you can be you're looking at almost more than 1 teacher right and stop that stop that goes so that's enrollment sorry to be the bearer of bad news but we've been monitoring that the the whole time 32 students would be what 300 Grand more you know 12 isn't it for the grade levels the high school kids over 12 grand these Grand 12200 or something like that and I realized its enrollment and it's not Ada but that will translate to 25 Ada anyway right yeah I'm worried about 89.9% dependence that wasn't just 1 giant family left the area then not that many kids 9B the discipline report yep just again just a regular monitoring I mean overall um our principles and um teachers and staff members have been doing a great job uh with with student Behavior so overall across the Year we're definitely down we've improved a lot in terms of student behaviors and suspensions but this particular report compared this month with the same month last year and we had 6 more students that was suspended um this month versus the same month last year but again overall the trend for the school year is that we definitely have improved in that area very good thank you right and then the 10 a closing items are next meeting is March 13th and is it here or you know okay right here all right and then can I get a 10B a motion to adjourn move to adjourn and a second all in favor to go home all right weather out there it doesn't sound crazy it sounds good right now