December Meeting of the Board of Trustees December Meeting of the Board of Trustees Show Transcript excuse me recorded recording started so if you've turned your phone it would say it's your phone just just giving you oh okay it's fine I'm just yeah okay all right how are you doing how are you Park to get over here 1 day years ago you told me before so actually were you sitting I was but I can sit over there please yeah no I always just seem to think this is over there I'll switch over there that's right sorry good for you oh did you see it in the movie I saw it that I saw it in the play like 10 years ago no I also like I just love right well you know I is that somebody that's what she does she doesn't think of it as a bad thing yeah I'm gonna lie for another year let me see what's changed and then weeks ago yes I know I had 2 more right I hope oh yes for that going to try to sleep this is all 1 Word and hello everyone pretty good crowd hi Brian it's okay don't wait for me I don't know if I need it on the right website are you you're just looking for 4 Docs yeah I I got the agenda here so I want to make sure you first meeting oh okay good come on that's the first test order 637 and uh you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance flag of the back to the back now please follow me I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the public for which it stands for 1 nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay item 3 C introduction of new members okay so we have 3 new board members 1 of them is not really new so I find used car that's me I was re-elected I was on a post so it doesn't feel like I was re-elected but technically I was elected and I got a new certificate 54 closed session today and I was sworn in so for another 4 year term good to see all the familiar faces here um but what's more exciting is we have 2 brand new people here and Jennifer Rogers who's got the middle seat at the moment um was elected and sworn in this this evening at the same time the 3 of us were all all at the same time and uh Jennifer welcome and I'm so glad to have you and um as I think we're gonna all get to talk about during our public comment is board members we all went to the uh California uh School Board Association conference in Anaheim this year the 5 of us so probably each of us will have a few comments about that that we could wait till that time to talk about how we got to know each other a um do you want to say a few words Jennifer or you uh are you fine with that off the cuff introduction that you got no I'm fine with that and I'll share a little bit more okay great thank you and then down skipping Mark who's not a new face uh down the end Andy Prestige is uh uh filling the seat that Christine Wilder previously filled and Andy thank you so much he was also on opposed um so there you we've known for months that he would since early August I guess when he was the only 1 to sign up to run for that seat that Andy would be sworn in but it is still cool to actually go through it and do it and to have you here officially and we've all been eagerly awaiting your arrival here on the board so welcome thank you thank you for stepping up and serving your community honor to be here thank you okay just for the just for the public to know so we called the meeting to order earlier before closed session with the 3 board members that we did have uh with the forums we call the meeting to order and then did the swearing in before closed session so they could participate in closed session we did not would be really important but I've enjoyed getting to know Jennifer and Andy over these past few weeks and just want to particularly welcome them uh to our team to our district and 1 thing I know for sure with lots of them um up to this point is they're all about students all and that's really what we want and the direct that we want on board so thank you guys for serving I don't know like I don't know have ever really do that and and and serve in a public office like you guys do but I totally respect you and I got to do thank you all right um moving on out in 3D approval of the agenda emotions to improve the agenda we do have a second second the second and any comments or questions about the agenda all in favor say I I all post say and the agenda is approved item 3D check report of closed session action yeah earlier this evening in closed session the board took action to approve the Personnel list Personnel list included certificate management 1 new hire certificated 1 retirement classified 3 new hires 6 resignations and miscellaneous we have 1 released to the coach this was on a motion by Brooke a second by Mark and a 50 V item 3 F Addison student representative important to see you again so I'll start with wrapping up the semester how can we speak to his final state um and the Adult School uh has their graduation for the forestry groups this Friday and there is an additional graduate and they jump over program bringing them up to the school of graduate um for so many high school everybody it's very busy they make the finals this week um counselors are doing Junior checks it's kind of like keeping touch make sure it's everything's so smoothly everything like that um and we have a new bil legalized on just helps see to help with speaking Spanish speaking families um and then for the high school students I got time going on again finals week everybody's studying very hard um so but yeah we just had our your phone on Saturday um there was an and we just had our annual Winger concert for our white and last Wednesday uh winter sports are now swing and everybody is looking forward to our winter break starting after school on Friday thank you very much Alison you're halfway done now going fast huh yeah so I do this every year but do you know where you're going to school next year um involve college applications digest and um I ended up applying to 10 colleges wow um 5 new students and 5 CS use but um right now my number 1 is San Diego State because they're the only um like California state school that offers the individual uh make sure that I want and that would be for astronomy so interesting I thought you were going to say surfing that's impressive um okay thank you very much thanks thanks again Allison all right time for item 3G public comment and I'll just call them in the the order in which they were handed to me and so first is Monaco month anniversary of me breaking my femur don't do that uh I just wanted to address uh faces familiar and not as familiar to say that while in this community it's known a lot but I spent quite a better time in this building and on these campuses in this room uh since uh the early 2000s I have been part of the organization that put on the wonderful conference you just attended the caliper schools School Board Association and since I joined them as a trainer and consultant in 2007 I've trained and met even more thousands of folks who have put their name in hold paper opposed or not opposed people who threw their hat into the ring like looked at 2 years ago and I just in here just to Express gratitude because I intimately aware of the Blood Sweat and Tears that that are required and I feel that you don't have to be a student of uh too much history or even a soothsayer into the future to know that the future of public education is in your hands and we must really treasure treasure and cherish that's a new treasure that's cherish and treasure so don't take it lightly but do be proud of the fact that you're giving up a a wet to December 19th here I just want to express my gratitude to you tell me that I helped across paths with you in my duties as a California school boards Association trainer I think I had broken a class right after he started 2 years ago and crossed paths with others of you I hope to continue to do that we found gentleman here in the corner chair so treat him right most importantly though the lady on the real the real anyway I'll give you the side thank you for what you're doing uh with things get tough my advice to you is uh uh get to this superintendent's office and your permission to go down and see a tkk combo class just to remind yourself when it's all about so thank you for for doing what you do and keep thank you it's great to see you looking good and walking around right yeah great um next we have I have Ashlyn week hi I'm actually in I want to address something that happened at River Gold at River Gold in September of 2023 I fell on my knees in a student called me retarded about 8 weeks later Alan riddle promised to help me rally to help change culture Alan Regal broke his promise and my last IEP meeting a year later Alan do apologize to me but then came up with the next use saying that he was out for 2 weeks for his shoulder surgery in October of 2024 my Mom filed a complaint on the issue of false promises with the forward rally the people who responded to my mother's complaint said that I was reported happy with the efforts that is not true I feel rejected and unhappy about this situation I feel disappointed with the legend we have icy name um the office of um sorry office of special education rehabilitation service Services also known as osers issued guidance in New in November of 2024 using functional Behavior Al assessments fbas to create supportive learning environments for both general education and special education students oser's outlines exclusionary discipline can have a long-lasting negative impact for students and their parents and can lead to in decreased academic achievement a and absenteeism sorry not finishing High School increased involvement in the juvenile justice system and family stress yusd requires support in this area there are children that sit in the office missing class children a loping around and off campus you plethora of bullying issues at both River Gold and horse School Elementary fbas are helpful when conducting properly to identify the antecedent which is before the behavior occurs the behavior itself and the consequence what takes place after the behavior whether positive or negative this is known as ABC data studies show that if the antecedent and the consequence is identified then change then change it results in a change in Behavior in my experience there is a deficit and college and experience and behavior in yusd board certified um Behavior Analysis also known as bcba have a master's degree in applied Behavior Analysis also known as Ava currently if this support is needed yusd has to rely on the County's bcba to be available and contracted for an evaluation it took 9 months to get 1 for my son the amount of behaviors that can increase without proper support can be devastating and catastrophic it is also been brought to my attention that core school elementary has taken Behavior delegated funds and reallocated them towards reading intervention I'm not saying reading intervention is not needed but that these Behavior deficits need to be addressed please consider um bringing on a bcpa to teach staff and conduct fda's to support our children I will give you the email and I have the links attached for further reading next is Leah Trio everyone um I just wanted to summarize um just some other stuff going on um due to questions and comments that I'm receiving from many parents staff and the general public I'd like to inform everyone on our list of concerns this list was put together by myself dicey and Cheryl based off of our own experiences and also the experiences and concerns of many other parents meeting special education timelines and requirements keeping student confidentiality is also includes County Employees on course school campus qualified staff providing service proper identification not delaying with SST meetings all SST 504 behavior intervention interventionist special ed teachers and administration trained in special education procedures and laws provide parent training for special education rights provide structured Literacy for dyslexic students at all sites and provide dyslexia screenings support River Gold and creating an inclusive culture and provide more special education services on campus Place complaint forms and all district offices and inform the community there there so this list was given to the superintendent and all of you guys um and you know the board several weeks ago we're still waiting on a plan of action for these concerns but we are looking forward to collaborating with all of you to improve you pass I'm Warehouse okay is that okay you really want you need a public comment right now all right thank you to all who spoke appreciate it I know somebody's in their way to make public comment if they um if it's nice and entire time to say which item it is they want to talk about because we we could still do that in the course of the normal agenda and otherwise maybe we'll see if we can squeeze it in we have a lot to do this is our organizational meeting where we're electing a new kind of Shuffle chairs here pretty soon okay so um but we'll see if we can actually um item 4 in organizational items 4 a been waiting for this 1 um collection of the Newport president I'm not sure if I'm allowed to monitor my own successor and I you are I think I think do we have any nominations uh for a new board president could be the same 1 technically but I'm hoping for a new board president okay Mark nominees Brooke we have a second for that nomination I'll second all right Jennifer seconds do we have any other nominations for that office position well hearing none any other questions about this anybody have anything else I want to say before I call for a vote okay all in favor of Brooke Alan Bean the board president for 20 or 25 just 2025 25 sorry 25 even though he's taking office tonight we don't count 2024 so for 2025 of the next year for the next year the next calendar year let's say that uh and he needs okay um well before we will collected will you serve absolutely okay all right um in all in favor say I I all oppose congratulations you were the Newport Brian reverse that with me and I still totally because on Monday in my mind is Mondays are tough in my office so mine is a little erased okay or I can do right now that we don't have a clerk do we have a nomination for clerk I would like to nominate Mark Gilchrist to be that 1 okay Mark do you want Mark accept it all right uh any questions on the vote before the right all in favor there we go thank you it's going to be clunky all the posts say name all right 5 congratulations congratulations all right so item 4 C election of Representative to the Executive Board of the Eric County School boards Association I would like to nominate 1 of our new members Jennifer Rogers for that position 1 second all right um do you accept I do I do you comment you have a comment have not all in favor say I I I I call a post say nay all right congratulations moving on to IMD 4D election of 2 representative the Y USD budget advisory committee um I that was my old position so I asked the board president I have how many meetings how many more meetings is it uh we had it figured out yeah it's about 35 extra meetings a year when your yeah right so so yeah I'm going to uh nominate Andy for a board or a budget advisory I'll second that all right Andy you can accept all right very good all in favor say I I all opposed say nay you're on you're at your position do we have any we have any other nominations for more advisory or budget advisor I'm sorry I would like to nominate firm as a also a representative of the uh budget committee to serve alongside me we need a second all right very good very good all in favor say I all the posts saying hey reluctant exception no I want to do it I'm sorry if I made it some other way I did it for 3 years and I was off last year I want to give me I could fun Charles Workshop item 4 e is to uh dissolve the board policy for uh Review Committee you know again we have tons of meetings and all kinds of this 1 right here we all we all I'll review them anyways so it's just less meetings that we have to to attend as it is so uh all in favor of design dissolving oh motion right getting getting ahead of myself I need a motion to approve I'll make a to dissolve the board policy Review Committee I picked up that no I did the same thing last year I adjourned several meetings without a motion so trust um I'll second with just a just a comment that the csda annual conference I did that attend a um session on the board policy review process and how that's done and csba really has a really detailed process of reviewing the policies saying what's updated what's changed to what we have a say on and what's legally required and all of these things so I think this is evolving but just for anybody that's curious as to why we're dissolving this committee but um I I I I left that session with a renewed confidence in the um materials that were given to review the policies to be able to an actual committee now that we've reviewed all of our policies I think Brian Brian has some good Insight on this too yeah when this when this policy was formed it was it was done at a time where the whole process of reviewing board policies was done in a very way so um in the last couple years we actually contracted with csba and they came in and let us through an exercise took in all of our board policies up to date so all of our board policies I believe are no older than 2023 at this particular time I think is when is when we did it so we brought everything up to date um with the help of csba to make sure everything is compliant consistent with the law all those sorts of things csba then sends us packets throughout the year quarterly and sometimes more often and um we had been taking those through through a larger committee which really became something that was stifling of the work and creating delays we were in danger of getting ourselves back in a position where things were updated and the reality is the idea of reviewing board policies and bringing them to the board as recommended approval is really the work of the staff right that's where the expertise is anything dealing with um you know budgets and finances we go to Charlotte for to take a look at with all of her contacts Jamie does HR Dr bordi will do anything that's related to um curriculum instruction assessment student services they've um get the help of people like Diane who's over nutrition services and has anything to do with nutrition so there's a lot of review that goes into that and then also when it comes to the board it comes 1 month just as a reading just to look at and what the board with that particular time is a red line version of everything that has changed then we're recommending to change between the existing policy and the new policy so it's very clear what the change will be um the board and the public sees that and has a chance to ask questions and make recommendations for entire month before it comes back to the board um for approval and so as we've talked about that as a leadership team as a governance team I should say we really talked about you know the this Review Committee that was larger and really kind of getting in the way of keeping things up to date it was really no longer needed and we thought the process we had put in place since then would really suffice and probably helps us stay up to date because we can move a lot more efficiently and a lot faster so that's why we're bringing this to the board as a recommendation to dissolve good evening that we have a process in place that we feel is as effective or even more effective and for sure more efficient than what we had previously so with that I would recommend that we dissolve the board policy Review Committee any more comments all in favor say I we're all opposed say nay so it stands item 4 F you know consideration and approval of board meeting calendar for 2025 um yeah right yeah we're gonna we're gonna make a big change I'll let Brian I don't know if it's a big change but um but every December this is part of the annual um uh what's it called organizational meeting that we actually adopt the board meeting dates for the entire next year from January through December to do that every year and so in reviewing it this year and getting uh feedback and input from the existing board members um we're proposing and recommending that we move our board meetings from Mondays to Thursdays um first several reasons but I won't go into all the details but from input from board I can tell you as a staff and says the district um definitely makes things easier for us to have ready um for a Thursday we didn't see where this would interfere interfere with any kind of community or parent opportunity to attend still on different nights and best lake and like basic on Wednesday but and things like that and so um we vetted each of the dates um to make sure we don't have um any kind of conflict with other things that are happening in the district really really does a lot of this work there are it's it's my rule is the second not by rule by Design it's the second Thursday of each month but there are 4 of them that do not follow on the second Thursday because there were some conflicts in there or or different reasons so we have the uh proposed Board calendar um in the board packet and for public review but I believe everybody is in favor of this recommendation saw we got to the board to take action yeah Monday's uh makes for a long Monday when we go late into the night the rest of the week just seems to drag on for all of us um so we have a motion to accept the 2025 board meeting calendar as presented second all in favor say I I all of those same name all right so adopted um I guess we're going to move around and change our seats yeah you say you're saying see maybe I should have waited to go ahead and get in there give me just a minute come over here to the throne unless that's a house so we could do it okay all right here we go oh I see I see so we have 1 more uh public comment a little out of order but due to whether we can absolutely uh any time for it sorry there was a spin out on Deadwood yeah so Nikki Thomas yeah oh you want to call me yep it's your turn come on already sorry I'm late um basically I debated on what I wanted to talk about because there are so many topics in my heart that I feel are so important um for both ends for the admins for the board and for the students and I think the only thing that I could think to sum it up in 3 minutes was communication and transparency you've got a war between parents and administration and it's horrible and it's not fair to anyone it's toxic to the extreme it's stressful to all the children involved whether they're in a classroom or whether they're at home working in beings we all have feelings we all get bent feelings when we feel being attacked I think the parents feel like we're being attacked because we shouldn't have to fight for our children's education like this especially when they have a disability where are we fighting everywhere else for them but to have to fight to the admins and the school and to attack 1 another and defend your own self it's unnecessary there's nothing that's changing right back I have fought for 2 years I never seen you until the last board meeting that really sticks to me I really expected you the leader the chief to come forward and say hey there's obviously some kind of problem how can we work this out the only person I've ever seen and spoken to is boarding he's worked his tail off and I know he wants to change but he can't get changed when there's tons of Indians and the chief isn't around and I think that at the end of the day when you've got too many Indians without the chief never going to get the problem solved it's exhausting on all ends we're wasting money paying these admins teachers boarding everyone everyone's getting wasted it's costing us money as parents to have our children at home while we're trying to figure out how we're going to get them the the education that they deserve I'm tapped out but I keep coming and finding because I know that's worth the fight my children are worth the fight I think every parent feels that way and I think that on your guys's end I think that you guys can do a lot more I think you need to listen to us parents we wouldn't be fighting if there wasn't a problem we wouldn't be here if there wasn't a problem the problem is not getting solved how can we come together how does that how does that work that's all we want we just want but our children deserve normal education I got a son at home right now that wasn't given his educational rights and he's sitting at home and the teachers aren't even sending the math packets and the principles calling me saying why is he failing she doesn't have communication with the teachers it's not her fault nobody's communicating properly and in any relationship if you don't have communication you have zero you will have no results at all ever that's a fact I'm not a therapist I'm just a human being that knows that thank you thank you for your time thank you uh item 5 for reports we're going to start with UD Tony amazing I am counting down till Friday my number of reasons uh first and foremost is the end of the uh full semester of 2425 this is my 33rd year with the district and I'm proud of each and every 1 of those a little more proud of some than the others but the other thing that is happening on the 20th is I get to send 22 young men and women off into a career pathway I am proud to say that through the support of the district and support of a number of different partners uh 5 of them have already been hired I've been doing background checks I got 3 calls today hey just wanted let you know 2 of those were uh were hired as permanent employees those are other last year's company um so I I been seeing in the back of the public um I hear I hear these things about our teachers our administrators our students it's others and my heart please it truly does um I'm the president for the teachers here I am supposed to be doing battle for each and every 1 of my teachers against the evil Administration I can say with 100% certainty through the power of the trustees the administration at the site the administration of the district we have a very very positive relationship between the 2 bargaining units and the administration we're not perfect there isn't no person in this room that is perfect and I for those uh for those teachers um that were here when my son went through this uh institution uh I am 1 green Papa Bear in fact my son got a tattoo week ago on his wrist of me it happens to be a qualifier but the it is he said I reminded of a koala bear but the thing to remember all the Bears are beautiful and cuddly and all of that but they are a mean little bear when you when you wake them up salvation um I went to to Administration on a number of occasions fighting for my child I looked at an administrator at 1 point and said you can make the right decision today or we can discuss it space I think that we have an amazing Administration if I am correct and I haven't done the report um but uh last week I saw on a hiring committee for a director I believe that that was approving closed session so that is our that is another example of how this district is trying to take care of each and every 1 of our students our help students are Littles to our bigs etc etc across the board if it's not ease of keeping everyone moving on the right path we all have a different speed a different challenges Etc I have a 30 disability I really struggled in school I basically did not read until I got into High School well as my mom pointed out I did read I just didn't read the stuff that the teachers wanted me to read but I was never a rockstar my son was never a rockstar and that guy the guy with the caller bear on his wrist is very very successful he's very successful because the learning that he took uh that he received here the individual care the accommodations that he was given and for the 2 and a half newborn members on the board thank you as Monica like I said thank you for investing in our community thank you for standing up when many people don't stand up to the continuing board members to be continuing because I know that all of you have the hardest students of every Challenge and every success to the administration openly site administrators here no maybe this um thank you for stepping up I think that we have an amaz using administrative team okay I appreciate working with all of you I have some really hard discussions with a lot of people but I am proud to say that I am the president for the teachers union at a institution in District that cares about everyone on their students thank you and I look forward to to uh seeing some of you uh at uh at our graduation celebration and it's 22 young people are out going to get jobs thank you Tony thank you you always uh you always do amazing things for young people and in boosting their careers uh Lisa is not here today so we're gonna move on to administrative staff right okay so we're gonna start with Jessica because you were jumping up well hello um welcome Andy and Jennifer um nice to have you on on the team um I'm gonna start you know Tony always takes my thunder um we actually I know uh was reported that I had 6 graduates but as of today at 7 I built that graduates that 1 came in last minute um and we do have 22 uh graduating from the forestry Court um cohort understand that is this Friday I think he called to send an invite I'm not too sure where we're going but we have that this Friday so we're very excited about that um they've done some great things um edops is full and investing and we are utilizing those programs as much as possible helping us with graduation uh students being able to graduate um students at these alternative paths uh especially with um independent study and just smaller classroom sites um my counseling staff here at yhs serves way at just hand offs has been on overdrive we are down 1 South February right now but we are really looking through transcripts and making sure that um our students graduate um you will see some of our dashboard numbers don't look great we have found that there are many anomalies and errors um so our graduation rates are higher than what our reported but we have to live with what is only that for um but we are taking a lot of attention into those numbers and making sure we have a plan for every student even if they decide not to go we are making pants um so we calculate staff to spend on overdrive because we want to make sure we get students graduated because that is their goal um yhs is just Trucking along um they as everyone has mentioned we have had you know winter formal um our theater did their fall performance uh we just had the music department out there winter performance and it was amazing um if you guys got to anyone got to see it the um Dr solos were amazing um so they've been going it's been a very busy time of year um 1 thing I will note we did have a student um Benjamin a broke off and he he is a student in music and he actually has 2 accomplishments that I wanted to mention um he was just made first here in the wind Symphony and it's fnc m e a honor band and this is the highest band level and somebody high school student to make that is crazy because typically to see like a university high students um and some of the other bands uh schools down in Fresno make that so it is a big accomplishment and he just made California in all states and um performance or she will perform at their performance on January 19th so it's uh we have music students doing big things and it's it's it's a huge accomplishment uh we hosted the Middle School tournament last Friday for girls soccer and boys basketball um so we had the Middle School schools here on site went seamless with students who wrecked that and it's a lot of fun to have these kids on site and a lot of the high school students want to go out and cheer them on I don't care under all mods um and we have 12 students actually only just sitting here right here I'm going to talk about it right now um we have 12 students and a workability program um that are are working for us um jobs out in the community and that are being paid for by the department of rehab and so we are training some of our young students that either have 504 training piece um they have to meet some requirements and we have 3 on hold until they turn of age so um we are we are doing great things for students um and that area as well so any questions very good thank you Jessica Alan welcome Jennifer and Andy and good evening president Alan and members of the board and superintendent back um I certainly want to take this opportunity to speak about all the great things happening in River Gold I truly believe we were building a culture where staff students and parents are behind us every step of the way um I don't like to say things out loud sometimes because you know despite reason being contradictory to Superstition certainly feels like when you say something the opposite happens um but I can say the months of October and November are exactly zero suspensions irregular um I believe this is due to our programs such as the positivity Project Safe and civil schools as well as parents student and staff buying um we have a pretty Giant first place Trophy and the front office for our girls soccer team where they allowed zero goals and tournament uh we have 2 students Bryce Adams and Carly Collins who made the Fresno Madera intermediate honor band um they'll be performing in January in Fresno that's a really big deal um like Jessica said that the high school students that's 2 from Tiny Little River Gold um I spoke about this last month but I'm happy to report that our soaring Hawks initiative is going very well we're rewarding students who s show respect oh on their actions aim for excellence rise challenges um we have nearly every spot filled on our Soaring Hawk boards with their pictures of our students for their first for the first round um and the overwhelming response from parents has incredibly enthusiastic kids are ecstatic when they are called up to the office get their prize certificate takes your taken in an ovation from everyone in the office we're awarding student a month certificates and have our honor roll assembly this Friday um our professional Learning Community is in full swing with standard based goals and objectives in every classroom for every subject peer-to-peer observations have already moved into phase 2 every 1 of our students in grades 3 through 8 has taken at least 1 and oftentimes more than on IAB or fiab which is an interim assessment block or a focused interim assessment block which is basically familiarizing students with the cast test um and the format so we have some very useful data and we can drill down even to individual student responses we're using these as a teaching tool because they're focused on the standards and demonstrate what students can do and to a degree even guide teachers on how to create questions and content we're utilizing the curriculum to a high degree and teachers are engaged in training to do even better we've had students go to the Battle of books you know the music concert on Wednesday at at course gold and our winter performance on Thursday so we're really excited moving into the thank you all very much and uh moving on to item 5 board members need Andy you ready for your first report I am ready all right let's hear it I really want to start out by recognizing how humbled I am to be given this opportunity to and and really to I'd like to mention the first thing you've set in this particular chair before me for 30 years maybe more than that Christine Wilder um several I was asking Jennifer earlier how do I properly express my due back to the person who does that many meetings that many school events and is part of kids and having their heart that you know a dedication to students and to community it is a truly humbling thing and I I just don't really know properly how to express my gratitude for a person who does that gives up so much of themselves for the good of their their community and for the future uh so I want to start off by just saying thank you to her um couple things I've picked up in the short time I've been here um a real dedication to students that's nice um students come first here uh close behind that is a a dedication to professional development and so I was very grateful to be given an opportunity to go to the csba conference and to engage with uh new fellow board members and to uh talk about governance and learn about governance I did try to spend all of the time that I spent uh in sessions in budget and fiscal sorts of sessions um an area of interest of mine and I'm very much looking forward in my new role as a budget committee person to working with Charlotte uh and just deep into my respect for the work that Charlotte does uh the complexity of the the information that I learned maybe it's it's it's a combination of the complexity and just the wall of things that you have to know and and um so my my respect for the job that's was deepened by this sessions that I attended so I'm looking very much and learning more um I've signed up for a government Workshop Series so I intend to learn more about governance work uh governance um thank you to rain for all of the work required to get us organized and sent properly and frightening properly this organized over there at that conference thank you for all that looking forward to uh the course gold winter performance got an invitation to that and so I'm looking forward to attending that and attending many other sorts of events as well that's this Thursday night regret not having said later my drive home that's only but it's at 1 to say thank you opportunity to alongside you to serve all of you and learn more thank you you're good thank you Andy we look forward to you joining the team great you get to know longer uh wait till everybody else speaks yeah or there's everybody's already said everything um well the good news is Andy that if you forgot to say something we have at least 47 more opportunities to say so um there's 2 in June no meaning in July um well I uh somehow I just blinked and now I'm the old guy on the board with the most experience after just 1 term um it's been a lot of turnover here and what's really 2 things that I noticed not just by going to the School Board conference in Anaheim but just in my interactions with Andy and Jennifer and Mark and Brook just over the last couple of months or less some Club in the last few weeks um you know the new 2 new board members are just highly capable and competent people and they bring they have a lot of experience in their professional lives that that bear directly on this role as a board member different types of experience but experience with youth experience with the criminal justice system and youth in the Juvenile Justice System Etc and all kinds that's just a fraction of what Jennifer has done but um and auntie I mean you can't he's written software for fake math I mean that's where do you just like fell out of the sky and landed in our district I don't know so it's I'm really grateful that we have these 2 to people who are bringing so much to our board and um but I've also seen Mark and Brook over the last 2 years just really um in just a really short time just those 2 short years uh you know become the Now official leaders of our board so and they they're ready for that position and so we get to talk sometimes when you go to a conference you get to know each other better uh we get to little chip chat in closed session you've all heard me how much I dislike the brown act I'm not the only 1 I'm sure but we can't just all get together and barbecue all the time and talk to school board that's not allowed that's illegal so we don't get that any opportunities to be in a group and get to know each other and so I really enjoy the time that we got and just seeing how how comfortable the 2 of you guys down there are now as board members and that just is really good to see and then I I just get more humble I I'm getting the opportunity to help out with the boys basketball team that I think the coach is just being nice to me because my son's on the team but um it's so I said this before it's been a few years maybe since I've said that kids are so much kinder now and 40 years ago 30 40 started High School yeah 40 years ago um so it's just amazing how they lift each other up these young men and um I I know that we see a lot of negative things in the news but when you actually get to be around students but you don't much when you're on the board I gave up coaching trial uh my son I coached his Au basketball team and then he came to high school and that was the end of that so it's been a few years for me to be around kids like that other than my son and his buddies who really don't want anything to do with me um so it's nice to be able to be around these other kids and they're just so uh the variety and how much they want to learn and how much they appreciate learning um and the whatever you put into it as an adult you get way more back I do and so that that's been really neat for me to be able to just hang out around those guys and show them what offer what I can about basketball and um you know the exception being my son he's done listening to me but everybody else is really respectful and uh you know and I really I really enjoyed that opportunity so just that that's I think Monica said it you know every once in I'll go to a TK class and I I'm doing my version of that by being out there and seeing these and there's a variety of kids I mean there's a kid on the team who just moved here from Tonga Tonga and I had to make him repeat it a couple of times because I wasn't sure I'd heard him correctly is amazing he's just a great young man and great to be around so there's just a diverse group of people and kids out there and you it's just really enriching to be around him so um I'm just very grateful for the position I have here to be able to try help kids just like make you brain Jennifer another 1 I just want to start by in the community for selecting me into this position because I I don't take it lightly to really um am so excited about things to come and and I'm so committed about helping our district move forward on the path that that you know we're going to create excellent education and supporting the teachers and the staff and the administration so that we can all work together and really create something amazing because I think we really have a gem here you know not everything's perfect there's always ways to get better but I think in our in our little Mountain Community we really we have something pretty special so I'm excited to uh do my part but whatever it is to just make it the best that we can make it um I will be very accessible so um I know you all some of you have seen me on site at different schools you know as I was going through the election but um that wasn't just and like that's going to keep going and I'd love to see the kids learning and I love to see the teachers teaching and I love to see how the um the sites are actually evolving and growing and having new ideas and creating new ways for us to educate our children in this area so um so I will be there I'll be out there and asking questions because that's what I do I will be talking and asking questions so get ready so I also had the privilege of attending the um School Board Association California Association conference and I can say that I was um just so much to learn and so much diversity in what there is to learn you know whether whether it was from budget or curriculum or to how to incorporate you know equity in our schools and in inkless in our schools just just every single part of being um you know in education in California I was so impressed with the number I think there were 4,000 school board and administration people there um so impressed with the level of commitment and the level of dedication that we have here in our California schools and I learned um I learned that California school California Public Schools educate 12% of the United States children so that's something really to be proud of and that's you know we're a part of that so I'm just all for you know working together and communication and whatever my part is on this for the next 4 years and really proud to be a part of it in California and especially in in our community thank you Jennifer we're glad you guys are part of our team as well Mark just want to welcome the new board members um it was really great great way to kick off this new phase of the board is going to this conference seems like everyone's kind of alluded to we've been able to connect a little bit and lots of good um conversations is just connect on a personal level so it's been really great the conference um it was really informative I went from seminars like I said it's a policy to an electric buses to bunch of other different topics so um got a lot of good out of it a lot of um ideas is also put together and sent to Brian just some different things that might be able to help us along the way and so I think it would really beneficial um also since the last meeting I was able to position of gold and of course gold school so I was able to go on site and that was just um really good really good positive experience um seeing the cultural differences from what I went to school there versus perception of these schools are versus what it is now it's just it's really interesting and really like um uplifting so I'm looking forward to getting to the high school sometimes soon um being able to go go there feelings you as well really um it's it's good to be their first hand because I'm not able to go there at work 9 to 5 jobs that's when school's going on and so um I I don't get to be there in that hospital but it was a very good experience um thank you Alan and then for walking me around and showing me the culture of the school and and thank you Brian and everyone else did all this stuff for sending us to talk very beneficial I think that's about it so welcome I forward to the next couple years very good thank you Mark the first day is board president is uh uh we we've gone over over it and talked about it a bunch of times and sometimes you just can't be prepared for being in that moment my wife Julie's here uh she showed up the first my first uh day on the board and it's probably been the only other time except want to move to board president thank you my love um this is a pretty amazing what we have here as a team it's been 2 years for me I had no clue what to expect all I knew is that most everybody involved was unhappy teachers we're bitter parents we're angry and upset and it was a sad State because this is this is my high school finally I have to get emotional um this is very important and it's dear to me this is not an easy task to add into an already busy life so you 2 more newborn members I I really appreciate you guys being here because we truly need to be an amazing team to do things proper because we're all here for our kids and uh I've seen a lot of good changes come the lose my heart surely there's still work we do we need to do and we hear you it's very concerns us that we're not perfect so if bureaucracies are as I'm finding out are very difficult to move quickly and steer but I assure you all we are doing our very best um yeah that the uh annual education conference was very uh very eye-opening as far as how big it truly is like she said 12% we uh California has a lot of has a lot of the country's kids I think it was really important for us to go the last 2 years I didn't really see a benefit for it uh it seemed a little more expensive than I wanted to spend money the school the district's money on but this year we I you know I felt it was very very important with 2 new billboard members coming on that a they get some uh you know official training at the beginning B we have to keep this team proper because if we're all fighting in here we're not doing any good for all of you I really look forward to the next uh year we get together I know I have 2 more on my term and we'll see if I get reelected I'm it means a lot to me I'd like to continue if my wife will let me you know it takes a lot it really does and um I'm thankful she lets me have this moment to help and do what I can uh I apologize for my being clunky and new to this position but hopefully I will get it smoothed out I just want to thank everybody for being here tonight we hear you uh Tony I will be at the graduation Friday you know uh Tony's our second longest yui state employee I hear I hear there's an argument over it and I'm not going not sure I will but that's alright anyways um moving on to consent agenda item number sick oh superintendent heck I got all the notes and I got in the way there Ryan well thank you bro thank you Julie for attending all those good to see you and thank you for anticipating you run again if you'd like to office but good evening to you all and thank you for attending tonight so this is our last week of school for students before you know like it's amazing how fast it goes a year after year um so students teach and many of our staff members not all but many of our staff members will have a 2 week break before school resumes way back on January 6th to start our second semester and finish off the year I do want to congratulate our new board president Brooke and our new clerk mark um I did Bernie said it well like they become really comfortable and they become leaders on this board over 2 years and they're very deserving to be in the positions they're in and on the forward to their leadership and helping with them more closely than they probably want to work with me unfortunately leadership we we need a lot and we talk a lot about congratulations to you guys and Bernie thank you for your service as president this past year we really appreciate and we've benefited from your steady and effective leadership so thank you for modeling how to be a good leader and a good board president um I want to congratulate Jennifer and Andy on your election and beginning a 4-year Sims I mean 4-year term uh on our on our board um and congratulations to Bernie we haven't talked about it a lot but Bernie was also re-elected um in this last round he was on a closed but he'll begin his second 4 year term and to serve 8 years right doesn't seem like anything compared to Christine as Andy pointed out but 8 years is a pretty good chunk of your of your life to serve in the community in on the board so thank you Bernie for stepping up and doing that for the community so it's already been mentioned but um the learning at the csba conference was fantastic as you heard uh our members talk about it was Heavy learning but it was also affirming and it was re assuring to be with thousands of colleagues literally thousands of colleagues across the state and they're facing some of the same challenges and they're looking at each other and they're they're looking to write to see what are other people doing what are best practices and how can we take on these challenges together as a state so beneficial to your best practices um from others and to share some of the things that we're doing that others can can learn from and move their Industries um as well so learning that happens amongst colleagues regarding common problems of practice is also called a professional Learning Community or a PLC has an education we love acronyms right social learning communities or plc's and I'm proud that our board is engaging themselves and becoming a better and more effective professional Learning Community people don't think of words as being a PLC but you really are and speaking of plc we had a team attend the professional development opportunity at the Madera County Superintendent of Schools office last week I was led by Dr Anthony Muhammad he's a national leader in implementation of plc's in fact he's recognized as the fourth most influential educational leader in our entire countries and we have the opportunity to have them here in Madera at the County Office of Education and for us to um learn from him so I want to thank Mindy who's out here tonight so she she's excused and Allan was there as well and I Wilkinson who's in the back was able to um to attend and then Dr by and myself we were able to be there as a team representing our district and really engaging in the process of establishing effective professional learning communities so it's very important that we commit to a culture of learning and Improvement across our district from The Boardroom to our classrooms and important from top to bottom and everywhere in between what we're all committed to the learning that it takes to be a good governance team and a and a first class District this has been mentioned a little bit too but I'm going a little more detail our music department is really doing great things you haven't heard 1 of our yhs choir students Angelo repus she's saying the national anthem at the government center ribbon cutting event I think it was last week right or the week before it was pretty epic yeah yeah it was pretty good so she was there representing our school our district and seeing the national of our high school and Elementary choir students saying that the recent Christmas tree lighting event they were there um helping with that event and I'm super proud to announce that we had some students try out for Honor ensembles and they were selected so these honor ensembles I want this is a big deal they require auditioning and competing with the best of the best in our area and sometimes across the state it's literally hundreds of competitors that come to the Central Valley um to compete um with their with their musical talents so we had YH students Ryan Wilco um Kyle lemir and Leisha vanderwaal Andrew Chauncey and Michaela Rios were all selected for Honor Choir opportunities from our little school our little high school we had a yhs students oslin o'conor and minimum row heard his name they were selected for Honor Band and Orchestra opportunities from our little school um we are currently call-ins and Bryce Adams as Alex mentioned from River Gold and we also had violent Garcia and there's Violet's Mom right there Jamie um she goes to wasuma but she'll be a badger here next year um they were selected for the intermediate honor band at this and again it's hundreds of students that are competing against and you see all the names right it's the closest and the Fresno and the universities and these cities right it's it's it's really really cool and then lastly in this subject yhs student Benjamin bro call he was selected for the very prestigious All State honor band again this is all state across the whole state 1 of the best when it comes to to music and actually both of his parents work at our school and Rebecca Roar teachers do it yhs so um I want to point out that we utilize proposition 28 funds to expand our music department recently and we worked really closely with teachers and our leaders and said how do we want to best use this funds and 1 of the areas we targeted was music there was a strong belief that music leads to Student Success leads to Better Learning and there there's a lot of connection between music and and and learning so we really invested our top 28 funds to expand music program over these past few years and it's helping it's providing these awesome opportunities for our students so I also want to thank our music teachers Megan rice Chris Harris and Kristen Schultz for all that they do on behalf of our students and families it really is making a difference um in closed session tonight our board took action to hire a special education director and uh who will begin with our district in June this is the newly established position in the district it'll be it'll be fully dedicated to providing the best possible special education services in our so thank you for the board for investing in that and approving uh that position to move forward we'll soon announce the new director's name um and we're also formulating an internal plan for the second half of the school year to put some things in motion now um as we with the arrival of coming up in in June or July and how we work that out and then lastly Charlotte's presenting the first inner budget report later in our meeting just want to mention as 1 time funds are ending and cost of living uh allowances are very very minimal we need to remain diligent with our fiscal practices and we we know that we're looking at potential budget cuts over the next 2 to 3 years and we need to remain it'll be tough but we need to remain committed to stay focused on the prioritized needs of our students and families as the a few comments up here um about that and so please really to hear that so this is our last board meeting of 2024 want to thank the board want to thank our leaders across the district our teachers our classified students our our classified staff for a great 2020 reports we have so many people across the district who give it their all for our students and families and I cannot be more proud to work alongside all of them on a daily basis I see firsthand how hard they work and what they do for kids so how the Merry Christmas have a happy New Year and let's make 2025 event ever I'll turn that back over to our new board president very good thanks Brian all right now we're going to move on to item 6 it's been sent to Jenna a is to approval of meeting minutes I move to approve the whole consent agenda ratify accounts payable warrants all right dicey Wheaton um I have reviewed the accounts payable from January 20124 to November 2024 I have identified how much money has been spent on spec specifically attorney's fees and special education contracts for outside services please note these numbers do not include special education professional development as the funding spent there is minimal the numbers are as follows in January 2024 19,576.90 February 8,000 or 8,610.79 March 7 15,492 April 1908.81 May 7699 and 35 June 23,134 and 95 cents July 12771 dollars 8570 the next 3 months definitely go up in September 25,148.20 October 28,590 and November number 50939 dollars 28 grand total for attorneys and outside special education services from January to November was 221,000 541.78 this money could have been spent towards funding services for all students thank you any other comment I'll reiterate my motion to approve the consent agenda second all in favor say I all opposed say nay 5 on the discussion items a is a first reading and consideration of revised board policies come to this a little bit earlier as we bring um board policy to the board twice once for a first reading and then once for approval so we have 16 different policies um for a first reading this month so we'll take a month to review look at those ask questions and make suggestions but just so you know before they come to the board for the first reading we have reviewed them as staff and obviously SBA recommendations many of them are just um keeping our policies compliant with log as Law changes along the way the process has changed as well so please take a look at those and we'll have the mortgage and the next month for the Border consider approval very good item 8 it's action items we're looking for approval of the 2024 2025 first in room reporting yeah actually this is presenting with the um Sunshine for bargaining unit proposals this is not asking the board for approval tonight this is on as a discussion item this ALS comes to the board uh for 2 months executive months so this is just this is um a bargaining unit and the district making public what we plan to negotiate um with for for this year so you can see in the packet that um CSEA has proposed that we negotiate on 3 particular articles and the district has a we negotiate on 1 Artic but it's actually 1 of the Articles CSE have proposed so we'll keep negotiating on 3 particular articles and again there's no board action required tonight we can come back to the board put me still no I spoke first so so there's a there's a budget reporting cycle that happens every year um you know really begins in June with the adopted budget and then goes on to different interim reports so Charlotte is here as she always is in December to um present to the board are 2425 first interim reporting and when she's done um got a chance to ask any questions or clarification then we'd be asking to work for approval of that report yeah I think you have questions along the way you're you're welcome to to ask as well um so I also want to welcome Jennifer and Andy to the board um to the team so 2425 first in from budgets there we go okay um so what the first interim reporting is as Brian alluded to is you've got a recording Cycles um we start with an adopted budget we start the year out then the state usually will then adopt to their budget because we've been doing work prior to doing that with assumptions if there are material changes we'll do a 45 day revision and that would apply to you usually in August um then we close the books from the prior year which is called un audited actuals and we bring that to you in September um then our audit is done and that's completed and then if there's any changes so um our audit was completed and uploaded this weekend on time by the 15th of December um so that will be coming to you in probably January so then we get to First interim reporting and what that is it's reporting through October 31st so you're going to look at your adopted budget or your 45-day revision and and then we're going to look at what happened from that time from July 1st through October 31st and see what changes have happened so the state's past budgets they make changes we have changes within our district we have um you know a you can see that we feel um we have vacancies that weren't filled and so we're always looking at that at our budget and saying okay let's update it so we know where we're going we're also looking at 2 years out current year and 2 years out as our multi-year project projections and then second interim reporting is we'll come back again to you in March and bring you where we are now versus where we're at January 31st so we're continually looking at the budget and updating it these reporting periods here are all also go to the state and to our County Office so first interim reporting basically it's a snapshot in time of our you'll hear hear the word Leah is your local educational agency that would be the district we look at our revenue and our expenditures the forecasts what it looks like is going to be happening with the state budget and we update that and then we look 2 years out with what we know so it's a time that we adjust the budget depending on expenditures that come in things that happen throughout the year first interim covers July 1st through October 31st and must be submitted to the county office no later than December 15th but this year they did give us uh we were able to do it have this approved tonight on December 16th but we did have to file it with them by the 13th um in lieu of having a second meaning for you all so we're going to look at Revenue so you'll see here um what I have is estimated Revenue at the time of the adopted budget and then estimated Revenue at the time of first entram or October 31st and what that difference in revenue is so you will see here that the difference is about 3 million which sounds like a lot there is a type of Revenue most of it being Federal that when we get those funds we have to show the revenue in the year that it was spent um so once we've closed the books we update that so if we had funding that wasn't spent that maybe was expected to be spent in the prior year we have to move that over as actual scene Revenue in the next year so um I'm going to go through what those changes are so in our local control funding formula you'll hear lcff that is our biggest pot of money that we get that has the least restrictions on it so that is done in a calculator with assumptions um and we update that every reporting period and we actually don't really have the exact number until after the year closes because it's based on our attendance um and and our UPC which is our unduplicated pupil count so that feeds into a calculator which gives us a base Grant there's a grade span adjustment then there's supplemental and concentration you'll see there and that Rees means that's really restricted money and that's what you'll see in the lcap as contributing funds um and then we have some add-ons that's like the the TK add-on and there's a transportation necessary small school add-on that comes into play in this big pot of money so that's where you see where those differences are of a difference of 55,000 less than what we were expecting at a budget again this is on estimates and assumptions the revenue changes in federal state and local funds usually I will not get into this much depth and I won't go in and explained every single 1 of these but I wanted to show you guys that they're all usually just show you what the material changes are but I have lined out every single change just because you guys are new and that way if you have any questions or you wanted to review that so Federal you'll see those are all restricted funds and restricted means that they come with um certain allowable uses usually that we have to use them in a certain way it also means that if you have an ending balance in those funds that you're not using um they cannot be used towards your 3% Reserve that we'll talk about that you have to be able to show that you have at least 3% on um unrestricted dollar dollars moving forward so in Federal you'll see some of those adjustments um Title 1 the Deferred funds worth 31,000 less um you'll see there the Deferred funds from the prior year for title 30 that would mean that maybe we didn't use them in 1 year and we had to move those over those are all pretty small amounts when you're looking at over 20 million dollars um your state funds you'll see that's a little bit higher as an increase of 664,000 you'll see there though that the water project that we had that's restricted the prior year Movement we had to bring those funds over to the next year um again the and the pal shape brand also with moving some funds over the rest of those are all pretty small changes um you know hundred dollars in an allocation that's not big big changes that's usually what you'll see and then in local you see that's where the the biggest portion of our difference in revenue is and that's over million dollars and the reason for that is that we had the Energy Efficiency project and we had it all budgeted in 1 year we have moved that over because we're still working on that and that is 1.6 million of it um and then the Carl Moyer Grant the grant that we received um that's going to help with the infrastructure and that's 560,000 and that was added to the budget and we have the sales grant that we brought to you that's about 150,000 for for food service that was also added after adopted budget so that's where you'll see all of those local funds being added um and what you're going to see is that we also usually have to add expenses so that's where we're looking at our Revenue new we take that and we look at all of our Revenue together um our local control funding formula is about almost 67% of that funding in all funding in our general fund um the save is about 13 Federal money is about 4% and your local is is about 15% that is a lot of those grants for facilities and that type of thing but when we look at our unrestricted Revenue you'll see that the local control funding source is 95% of that so that's why we really spend a lot of time on that calculator and talking about what can we do with the local control funding formula funds because that's our biggest amount that we actually have a lot of jurisdiction over what we do so expenses now you'll see we had about 3 million more in Revenue but we have about 7 million dollars more in expenses so we're going to go through that will look and you'll see that biggest portion you can see it in capital outlay that's million dollars of that the biggest reason for that is so we had the Water Project and our Energy Efficiency project bringing over that Revenue we're also going to bring over those expenses and that's all restricted dollars the biggest portion of that that's not there that other like million dollars is that we had the EPA grant for our school buses so we have that money in last year and that flowed over as an ending balance but we did not receive the buses until July and we have to pay for it in the year that we received them so that ending balance once then came over and we have that money to pay for that but that is an expense that's going to show in this budget year so that shows how you can have some big fluctuations but that's the the reasoning behind it so when we look at our expenses um of all of our expenses restricted and unrestricted you'll see 1 thing that they'll show you is that you're always looking at what's the percentage that is stacked and so out all of our funds but remember we have all those facilities in there is about 54% which seems pretty low but when you look at our unrestricted expenses of that the staff that's not paid out of restricted dollars that we've added is 74 74% of our unrestricted expenses so I wanted to talk a little bit about fiscal solvency because that is a portion that the the board really oversees um so so we need to make sure you're going to see multi-year projections in here and so we always strive to make sure we have the most accurate which are going to be completely wrong because the state's going to do something different but with all of the tools that we have we Jackie where will we end this year and what will we be doing for the next 2 years um so in anticipation of preparing the 2526 July 1 bud what we're looking at is what are we going to be fiscally solving if we continue kind of doing what we're doing with a funding that we have so looking now when we go through the multi-year it's going to be recognized that based on the district's current assumptions the board may need to implement the following reductions solve it in future years and so you'll see in 2526 we would be looking at about 400,000 in 2627 and additional 243,000 and in 2728 not sure exactly we haven't got to that adopted budget but I'm always thinking in those years out um so what that would look like is you may see what's called a PKS or a particular kinds of service resolution come to the board to reduce Staffing if that's where the re sections can be made um because staff is your biggest portion of your budget that is something that we always look at in these projections um we have what's called Equity multiplier that is new this year we also have some yes I funds at aani and at um Corps School those funds we may or may not get in the future and when we are projecting and knowing we have to stay solvent if we don't have if we don't know that we're getting that allocation we have to back those funds out so that's what I've done so those those could be that they're Staffing that's done with 1-time funds and those may be the positions that need to come we're going to keep an eye on that and that is something that would come to you with a multi-year projections that second and Trump in in March we're going to look at multi-year projections and you'll see this year the cola was at a whopping 1.07% which actually meant less funding to the district because of the way you're funded on attendance um you can be funded on your current year your prior year or a 3 year average of your current year and 2 years back and because of that and our enrollment being a little bit less than our attendance kind of staying steady we with that 1.07 we're funded on less 88 because um you guys have heard me talk about the cliff for the last couple of years where we were held harmless um during Co and didn't have attendance 1 year and then they added that 3-year rolling to help districts and we're seeing where we're coming to where that that bigger number is not there anymore um in 2526 I have a projection of 2.08% cola which is a little bit less than what they had put out and adopted budget because that's what came out from the legislative analyst office and Department of Finance is what we were Hearing in December and then in 26 27 which obviously we don't always know what's going to happen to yours out but we are um projecting a 3.08% cola and you can and what I have is I've kept enrollment and the Ada projections kind of status quo moving forward and we'll see what comes to fruition right now we would be funded on last year's numbers in the calculator um our enrollment we have in there as 1389 with about an 89% attendance rate and so that's what we've got moving forward so that's what the multi-year projections are based on so I talked about the 3% so it's 3% you need to be able to show that you would have 3% of your unrestricted dollars compared to your expenditures so you'll see a little light on here actually you guys see if I can I can probably just show you this way so so if you look at this it doesn't like the TV lasers don't work on screen okay so it doesn't like the TV so I have I have a highlighter so what you'll see there is you can see that each year the net increase decrease you can see that we are is it spending each year and you can see that 7. 9 9 so when after we've planned deficit spent you have an ending fund balance of 6.9 million restricted dollars of that is a little over 1.5 million leaving 5 million in your unrestricted in everything went exactly how we have it budgeted right now and so that would be just under a 15% raise or when you go into the next year's um you can see then it drops to about 11% that's with that $100,000 stripped out in the next year and the next last year 243,000 and we're down to 3.91 also we look at the state says you have to have 3% um 3% is barely enough to make payroll for 1 month so that's something that we need to remember and also this is not catch this is budget so those are all things that we have to look at so we don't want to go if we go below 3% that's when you start to get into a qualified or a negative budget if you have it to where you're you're making plans and you can show that you can be solvent all 3 years that's where you're at a positive budget that's where we want to see but we do always look at those and when we're getting down 3% is pretty low um we do have a board policy currently that shows that we do you know we need to meet the um the reserve as an ed code 331288 but the governing board shall Endeavor to maintain a 9% aggregate general fund Reserve to ensure at least 1 month's general fund expenditures are available at any time in a given fiscal year so that's what our board policy is as now that's what we strive for we try to make plans um and so we're always looking in the future so we don't want to just like just do whatever and then see what happens we're always looking at that and I'm always questioning every single expense so what are we doing moving forward so currently this will be first this is first interim um completion of the 2324 audit which like I said was completed and uploaded this weekend um the January Governor's budget comes out in January and that's where we get our first first look at what we think the state may kind of look like for 2526 um we will prepare second interim which is reflective of changes through January 31st we bring that in March I'm working on it throughout February so we say January 31st but I I try to get as much information in there as I possibly can of what I know um we update the multi-year projections plan accordingly we need to work within our current budget not adding expenses without having off um so a lot of times we'll we'll have something that comes up and it's okay so if we're going to do this what may we not do because we unfortunately we can't do everything with the way that the funding is we need to plan for the assumed reductions in those future years um in order to stay solvent rightsize the district and get to where we are budgeting to not deficits then the 1-time funds kind of threw that off a little because we'd have that ending balance and so maybe we hadn't spent um we were planning to deficit spend you don't want to see the red we want to be spending within our means and then be proactive in planning for future years and not reactive so if we get to a point where we need to make some cuts making those cuts earlier really feeds into that formula going into those out ears so that is first intrum and so I'm asking for approval of the person from budget and then we will be bringing second you in March any questions no thank you so much Shirley how to move to approve the uh 2425 first interim I need to catch that all in favor say I I all opposed say nay action item 8 B approval of Professional Services agreement for yusd facility master plan Dixon smart school house so unfortunately Randy is our MO BF director um he's filled so he's not here tonight so I'll be presenting you guys look it to meet him um we um as a district at the May 13th um board meeting uh discuss discuss the intent the issue an RFP which is a request for proposal for a facilities master plan so we did that um the facilities master plan would also serve as the basis for the development of a project list for a potential future Bond we know that our facilities um are getting older and we're going to need to be looking at that um in addition we have found that there's a lot of Grants um and other funding sources that we're looking at that would require you to have a plan in order to be able to submit for those so the RFP was issued in August um we had submissions in September we did interviews with the submissions with the the um vendors that we chose to interview and so for from that staff is recommending to move forward with Dixon smart Schoolhouse uh the um facility master plan it would be 78520 and in your board packet uh is the agreement as well as their proposal and so I was just going to go over just a little bit of the scope of work of what they would be doing um is enrollment projections Capacity Analysis and future facilities need a facility needs assessment um facilitating an advisory committee a bond feasibility study um educational specifications and classroom layout feasibility study joint use and Community Partnerships looking at that and a comprehensive maintenance plan with implementation strategy this company um comes very highly recommended they have worked in schools they have worked for school districts and are really well respected in the facilities industry um going through through the um opsc which is the Office of Public School construction and the department of the state architect is what you have to do for facilities so we are recommending to move forward with this and this was put in to the budget at first in from so it is something that is budgeted will be looking for a a approval to move forward with the agreement yes you got a comment yeah sure so when it was probably over a year ago that we first started talking about this maybe October of 23 because that's that's not about right um and it just so it's just cheaper than I thought it was going to be I mean Randy didn't well I mean you know I remember Randy saying that there was a just a broad range but it it could be as high as 200 Grand yeah and so I when I saw this but from everything I've seen this is we're not get we're not hiring some low budget company right I mean we are absolutely not and this was not the lowest so when you go out for an RFP you don't have to go with low bid you're able to look at all of their qualifications interview and make a decision so this was not the lowest um this was kind of mid um but there was definitely some that were higher as well so we really feel after vetting the the um vendor that this would be the best to go yes Andy sure um you mentioned that as part of their work they're going to be doing an enrollment projection section for you and during your fiscal um presentation of the first bedroom you mentioned that you took kind of a conservative approach to enrollment keeping it flat for projection uh for projecting revenues do you think that the work that they'll do in enrollment projection injections is as detailed as the work you do in yours or will the work they do Aid you in some way maybe give you some different insights on it's probably will give me some insights a lot of times they look at birth rate um also we look at Trends here so when I first came into the district 6 and a half years ago we were basically we were losing about 50 kids 5 year in enrollment and so I was I was budgeting on those projections and then after like right after Co we just kept a little steady and then we actually did it up and we had some an increase um and now we've gone down just a little bit to kind of in line with that so we're always looking at that but it's always good to get an Insight there's a couple of different ways to do enrollment projections um so I'll be working with them on that thank you any more questions can I get a motion I'll second all in favor say I I all opposing me item action number 8 letter C ratification of change order number 4 and 5 with graham crew Incorporated for the yuse high school roofing project your order we had a windstorm back January of 1921 we're finishing that up um this was an insurance claim so there was some unforeseen issues connecting the new metal structure to the old building and so there's additional construction costs um about thousand dollars but that is something that should be covered under insurance so we went ahead and have approved those and sent them through under that 25,000 threshold but we're just bringing it to you for ratification but we did want you to to bring it and approve it for the insurance company so no money out of it should be no money out of our pocket well I mean we pay insurance are you suggesting they might raise our rates know no I'm I sit on that board and so there would not raise our rates because of this but claims in general are our insurance is rising all right do we have a motion to approve so and second all in favor say I I all oppose say nay thank you so much you can already see thank you so much is already growing as more President right we have some uh items 9 A and B are informational items and we have dicey wien wien with a comment on this no this 1 was unexpected for me but I wanted to talk about this uh District discipline report specifically at River Gold um it was noted that there was no um suspensions um but I'm very concerned with data being accurate I am made aware that there were um 2 incidents um last week at River Gold at cause children to be bruised scratched and have bloody knuckles and nothing understand about it and then actually today um my son has came home and he punched somebody else and nothing had happened from that either so that is really concerning um that those things are not being reported or addressed um suspension is in place for a reason it also protects our students with disabilities um because if there are um there are repercussions for Behavior um but if we meet a certain amount of of suspensions if you have an IEP then we hold something called a manifestation determination meeting and we identify if it is a result of the student's disability and if it is we have to provide different supports and services to better support that child so it's concerning that those things are not being followed through thank you have a clarification for the board there are lots of different ways to address due to behaviors such as 1 of them and try to make that a last resort as much as we possibly can but um I would say it's probably not accurate that nothing was done or something was done to address behavior um the fact that it wasn't a suspension doesn't mean anything was done all right item 10 closing items next Board of Trustees meeting is January 9th 9th on a Thursday Thursday no long weeks can I get a motion to adjourn to adjourn all in favor so move all right